32. Blue And Green

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Harry couldn't say how long it had been but from the moment he had opened his eyes this fine morning, he had been staring at Louis' beautiful sleeping face, itching to reach out and touch. He was completely mesmerized by his sheer beauty and the quiet peacefulness in his relaxed features. With Louis' arms still loosely wrapped around his waist, Harry felt like heaven. Being in his arms was the best feeling in the world. It made him feel safe and secure and loved every single time. It felt like home.

Stirring slightly, Louis' arms around him tightened for a moment before loosening again but pulling him closer into his chest. Only a second later, Louis opened his eyes and Harry was met with the most stunning blue eyes he had ever seen. Louis' tired eyes in the morning would be the death of him someday.

"Morning, Petal" Louis' voice was slightly coarse and sent a shiver down his spine. His morning voice was so damn sexy.

"Morning, Sun" Harry reached out now to stroke over Louis' cheek, entirely captured by the ocean in his eyes.

"How early is it?" Louis wasn't breaking their eye contact, so Harry could see that he was expecting it to be very early.

"It's almost eleven, Lou" Harry giggled quietly, not wanting to break their little moment. "We slept in, Love".

"That's nice" Louis stretched again a little bit, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead. "Really nice".

With his forehead tingling, Harry puckered his lips in a silent invitation that Louis immediately understood. Leisurely, they connected their lips in a soft morning kiss that set Harry's insides on fire, a low and calm fire but a fire nonetheless. This was something he still didn't fully understand. Until he had met Louis, Harry had hated kisses in the morning before brushing his teeth. He had despised morning breath. But with Louis, he just couldn't wait to kiss him, morning breath be damned. Their early morning kisses were one of his favourites and he treasured them.

Just like he treasured Louis. This man pressing kiss after kiss against his lips with a huge smile on his face was definitely the love of his life and he was willing to marry him one day if they decided to actually go that step. After yesterday, he felt totally at ease with knowing they were entirely on the same page, always.

"Babe, you're glowing" Louis mumbled against his lips in awe.

"What?" Harry opened his eyes and looked around. And Louis was right. He was indeed glowing. Well, sparkling would fit the situation better. The entire room around them was sparkling by now and Harry felt himself blush immediately. "My magic must be going crazy for some reason. I ... um ... sorry".

"What are you sorry for, Baby?" Louis lifted one hand up to cup his cheek, caressing it gently. "I don't care if you make our entire house sparkle. This is you and I will always love you, Petal".

"You're incredible, Lou" Harry just had to kiss him again, a bit deeper now but still closed-mouth and gentle. Louis deserved all the gentle kisses in the world. "I get why my magic is going crazy when I think about you. You make my heart go crazy".

With rosy cheeks, Louis gazed into his eyes. "You were thinking about me while we were kissing? You're so cute".

"You never do that?" Harry counted the little freckles around Louis' nose in his head like every morning. He loved those.

"I do, actually" Louis pursed his lips in that fond look again. His heart had labelled it as Louis' Harry-face, solely for him. "Just that my sparkles don't expose me".

"Well, what can I say? You make me glow" Harry pressed another kiss to Louis' lovely lips, making the sparkles go crazy. "I don't know what's happening. I can't control it".

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