14. Twist Of Events

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From Louis:

'Come over?'.

To Louis:

'I'm down at the bakery, elbow deep in dough, a bit sticky'.

From Louis:

'Can I come over?'.

To Louis:

'Use the backdoor and text me when you're outside'.

Thanking the heavens for technology having evolved this much, Harry told his phone that it didn't need to text Louis any longer what he was telling it to. Now feeling a bit jumpy and excited at seeing Louis again, he tried to finish up this dough a bit faster to be able to solely focus on Louis when he'd be here. It has only been a day since their date but Harry already couldn't wait for him to show up, way too eager to have him back in his arms. He wasn't sure if this was normal anymore. He felt like a teenager with their first crush and wasn't sure if that was a good thing. First crushes were never serious. Were they serious?

Shaking his head at the down-spiral of his thoughts, Harry finished up the dough and pushed the bread into the oven, right in time for Louis' text to come through, telling him he was outside. With a flick of his wrist, he opened the front door of his home without even leaving the backroom, hearing faint footsteps approaching the backdoor. His heartbeat picked up instantly.

"Haz?" Louis' head poked through the crack of the backdoor, peaking inside and spotting him by the oven. "Hi".

"Hi" Harry felt himself smiling in less than a second, walking over to him with puckered lips. "No kiss hello?".

Rolling his eyes for show, Louis closed the distance and pecked his lips in greeting but before he could pull away again, Harry took hold of his face and prolonged the kiss for a moment, feeling needy and in desperate need of attention right now.

"Hello to you too" Louis hummed against his lips. Like this, he could feel how big Louis was smiling. "Could get used to this".

Feeling his pulse react to that statement, Harry just pecked his lips again a total of three times before stepping back and letting Louis get fully into the room, waving his hands around uselessly as if he hadn't walked through this room before. But this was the first time of Louis being in here with knowing about magic. It made him almost as nervous as his casual words.

"Now that I'm actually taking this room in, it definitely looks a lot more magical than in passing" Louis surveyed the room slowly. "What were you making? I can smell a ban in the oven".

Snorting out a laugh, Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist from behind, definitely taking himself and Louis by surprise with that gesture. "Just bread for a friend. He's back in town and I thought I'd make him his favourite".

"In your magic kitchen?" Louis tilted his head up a bit to glance at him. "A magic friend then?".

"Yes, a magic friend. We went to school together with his twin and stayed friends over the years. He's a travel and lifestyle influencer now. Who would've thought that's a thing" Harry let him know casually, keeping his arms around him while trying to come up with something to do to make this seem normal.

"Not me" Louis chuckled cutely, leaning further into his touch, so maybe Harry didn't need to do anything. "My sister Stella is trying to turn her job into an influencer thing. It's kinda working".

Hearing some worry swinging in Louis' voice that Harry could definitely understand, he chose not to address it this time. "Good for her. Ethan is travelling all around the world with his girlfriend because of this. She's an influencer as well. Fashion and stuff".

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