4. Conspiracy Theories

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Note: The Theories in this story have nothing to do with what I believe in real life. They're literally just a plot device! 


Carefully, Harry let three drops fall into the pot and listened to the expected hissing sound in satisfaction. The distinct smell of comfrey and willow bark hit his nostrils, making his muscles relax at the familiarity. Stirring the potion until it had the perfect texture, he tried to ignore the approaching footsteps, knowing full well that his peace and quiet would be over in a second.

Stepping into the backroom, Sarah eyed him suspiciously. "What are you doing, H?".

"Think you should know what a potion in progress looks like" he replied nonchalantly, digging his own grave with his words.

"Really now?" Sarah quirked an unimpressed eyebrow up.

"What do you want me to say?" Harry huffed in frustration. "It seems like you're already perfectly aware of what I'm doing".

"Quit acting like a child, Harry" Sarah didn't sound amused but rather annoyed with him right now. "He's out there, not in here".

"Precisely" Harry stopped his stirring, putting a lid on the pot.

"You've been doing this for weeks and it has to stop. Before he shows up, you're all giddy and jumpy but as soon as he's sat at his usual table, you flee into the back to prepare orders you don't have to prepare until next week. Is this really the best way to handle your attraction, H?" Sarah crossed her arms over her chest, scolding him like his mother would if she knew.

"I'm not ...".

"Oh, cut the bullshit" Sarah cut him off harshly. "You're not just attracted to him, you're completely smitten and that's why you're hiding in here. You know it, I know it, Niall knows it. Hell, even our temps know that. I'm surprised he doesn't seem to know it".

"I'm not smitten, Sarah" Harry clarified weakly. "I might be attracted to him but can you blame me? Look at him!".

"Nah, not my type" Sarah looked pointedly at him.

"Yes, Chloe is a beautiful angel but you're also not blind" Harry knew that he must sound crazy by now. "He's objectively the most beautiful man I've ever seen. How am I supposed to handle that?".

"Like a normal human being?" Sarah clicked with her tongue.


"I'm serious. Stop hiding back here. He comes three times a ...".

"Sometimes only two times" Harry corrected her but bit his tongue immediately at the look she gave him.

"He became a regular in such a short amount of time and that for you. You have to know that, H" Sarah sounded desperate.

"Then why don't we ever talk, mh?" Harry leaned against the counter, feeling his resolve crumble. "The only time we exchange a few words is at the counter when he orders the doggy biscuits for Alexa. She's the only thing we talk about for a minute, tops".

"It could be because you hide in here every Saturday when he actually stays to eat here instead of only picking up the biscuits. Niall isn't even here to embarrass you, so what's this really about and why can't we say it out loud?" Sarah came over to him.

For a moment, he stayed silent and debated with himself if he wanted to tell her what was eating him alive. One of the things that was driving him insane and made him unable to talk to Louis. But admitting any of this out loud meant admitting that he might actually have some strange kind of feelings for the man, that he barely knew, which was mad-shit crazy.

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