Bonus Chapter

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"Louis" Harry moaned out hoarsely, digging his nails deeper into Louis' thick thighs under the footie shorts.

"You like this, mh?" Louis rotated his hips deliciously on top of him, his rim tugging on Harry's dick. "Like what you see?".

"Yes" Harry croaked out, his head hitting the double lounger he was lying on when he threw it back in pleasure. As beautiful as his boyfriend was, Harry couldn't handle looking at him right now. He looked way too sinful situated on his dick in those sexy old football shorts. "You look sinful, Baby".

"And you feel amazing, Haz" Louis groaned out deeply, fucking himself on Harry's dick ever so slowly. "You're so deep".

"Fuck" Harry thrusted up into him clumsily, not in control of himself as much as he wished. "You feel so good, Baby".

With a dirty smirk on his pretty face, Louis leaned down and propped himself up on one arm before crashing their mouths together in a filthy kiss, his other hand going straight for his hair. With Louis' tongue down his throat, his hand in his curls and his hole clenching around his dick, Harry's head was empty. The only thing he felt was immense pleasure and so much love for his boyfriend. Louis was all-around perfect. Perfect for him.

Breaking away from the kiss on a broken moan when Harry's dick grazed Louis' prostate, Louis sat back up straight and started bouncing on his dick, steadying himself on Harry's wrists because he was still holding onto Louis' waist for dear life. When Louis seemed to get tired but close, Harry propped his legs up and put his feet flat on the double lounger on their patio, causing Louis to fall forward and hover over his face. At a steady pace, Harry fucked up into him, pounding his perfect little bum as hard as possible without coming too soon at the sight of his boy.

"Haz, I ..." Louis brought out through his breathless pants. "Fuck, right there, Baby. Please".

"I got you, Lou" Harry put even more force into his thrusts and pushed them both over the edge, moaning out their names.

Tired and fucked out, Louis collapsed on top of him and nuzzled his face into his neck, breathing him in and sending chills down his spine. In this position, his dick slipped out of Louis, softening and making Louis hiss a little at the sensitive and sore feeling.

"Fuck, this was a bad idea" Louis mumbled into his neck, leaving a kiss there before untucking his face and looking at him, his hair everywhere and his face red from being fucked real good. "I don't have time for a shower and the seats in the stadium are bloody uncomfortable. I won't survive this".

"You could always sit on my lap" Harry grinned cheekily up at him, only earning a swat to the nipple in return. "And did you forget that your boyfriend is magic? I'll get you clean in no time".

"Last time you said that you threw me on the bed and ate out my ass, which only made us late and not very clean" Louis looked highly unimpressed with him, sending his mind right back to that day and making his soft dick twitch lazy at the memory.

"Your ass deserves to be eaten out every day. I don't make the rules, Sunshine" Harry flashed him another shit-eating grin.

"Insufferable" Louis rolled his eyes at him but got comfortable on his chest anyway. "Do you think this is a good idea?".

From the sound of his voice, Harry immediately knew what Louis was talking about, so he wrapped his arms safely around his boy and locked eyes with him. "I think what you're about to do is very brave and I'm honoured to be there with you".

"This wouldn't work without you" Louis trailed with one finger over his jawline and Harry was once again hypnotised by his crystal clear eyes. "I couldn't do it without you, Petal".

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