12. Men In Power

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Yawning into his elbow yet again, Harry wiped the last table clean and buffed out a cloud of breath when he was done. He hasn't slept that well last night, twisting and turning with guilt and shame. Louis' words had circled around in his head for hours. The words of his disappointed friends had found their way into his stormy dreams and the urge to fix this mess had kept him from sleeping more than three hours total. Logically, he was absolutely knackered now and kept yawning. He really needed one of his own energy-booster cupcakes to get through the day.

The entire morning, he had tried to avoid any kind of talks or mindless chats with Sarah and Niall, yesterday still too present in his mind. Well, Niall knew that he had been able to finally pull his head out of his ass but neither Sarah nor Àmbar knew that yet and somehow addressing that casually wasn't so easy. So, he took out his phone, finally turning it on after hours, and decided to text Àmbar because she would definitely not come over today.

To Àmbar:

'Hey, I wanted to say thank you for putting me in my place and telling me off for being a dick. You're a great friend and you were right, again. I'm gonna fix this'.

Every cell and bone in his body hoped that Àmbar would believe him and they could go back to normal. The feeling of her being mad at him wasn't something he ever wanted to experience again, especially when she had every right to be mad for a bit longer. He had totally forgotten about a tiny little detail when he was ranting about Louis and his self-made issues and it made him feel like the worst friend on the planet.

From Àmbar:

'Was about time you got the stick removed from your ass, H. I'm always right and you should know that by now'.

'You better have the best apology known to man ready for your boy before you even think about talking to him. You've been a right prick about this'.

And he knew she was right but the two simple words your boy made him blush stupidly, locking his screen and sliding his phone back into his pocket. His heart needed to get a grip. Louis wasn't his, far from it, and after the last couple of days, Harry wasn't so sure if that was even still in the cards. He wanted it though.

"Shit" Harry cursed under his breath, feeling so stupid for having taken so long to realise what he really wanted from Louis.

"Hey, H!" Niall called out for him, making him whirl around to face him. "Wanna take your break now? Sarah and I are done".

This has been the first time in a couple of months that they haven't spent their break together but it wasn't because of their heated conversation yesterday. Holden was sick and Emma was in Uni like every Tuesday. With Holden out, someone had to stay back and take their break later, so Harry had offered instantly.

"Um ... actually, I might just leave a bit earlier today instead if that's okay with both of you" Harry walked over to them, his phone burning in his pocket with the need to text Louis right now.

"Of course, that's okay. You shouldn't even have to ask" Niall waved his question off, indirectly reminding him that he was the boss. "But why?".

"Well, I'm hoping, really desperately hoping, that I might be able to get Louis to give me a chance to explain myself and apologise. I need to fix this and tell him t ... I can't let him think that was the actual reason for my shitty behaviour" Harry scratched his neck, feeling uncomfortable just talking about this to his friends. How could he ever tell Louis everything he needed to know?

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