27. Never Have I Ever ... Everything

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"Is that everything?" Louis placed some more bowls with crisps and candy on Harry's living room table.

"I think so" Harry rearranged the drink options on his kitchen counter for the third time, looking highly concentrated.

"Do you really think they'll care if the beer stands right or left"? Louis leaned against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest, grinning amusedly at Harry switching out the alcoholic drinks with the non-alcoholic ones yet again.

"Well, Niall will go straight for the beer, so I thought I put it at the front but then I remembered that we wanted to start off without alcohol, which means the beer and stuff need to go in the back. But then again, it's highly likely that everyone will go for the a ...".

"Hey" Louis grabbed his hands to stop him from rearranging things yet another time, walking him backwards until Louis could bracket him against the sink. "You're overthinking this way too much, Petal. Don't give yourself a headache over drinks, okay?".

"I just want tonight to be perfect" Harry sighed out stressed.

"And it will be, no matter what. The drinks standing in a certain order to please everyone's drinking tendencies won't make or break tonight" Louis pressed them flush together, stroking some loose curls out of Harry's face. "But why is this stressing you out so much? I thought you do this every year multiple times?".

"We do" Harry nuzzled his cheek against his palm on his cheek. "Well, we did but then we all grew up and got lives and have different schedules, so we haven't all been in the same room in a really long time. And last year, you and Aria didn't join us. I need this to be good for you. I don't want you to feel left out".

"We won't" Louis assured him even though he couldn't exactly be sure of that but he had faith. "I feel honoured that you invited me to your annual friend's night, Haz. Don't worry so much".

"I can't seem to stop" Harry rested his hands on Louis' waist, drawing circles onto it absent-mindedly. Louis loved that feeling. "I asked Zayn to host tonight at my place instead of his, so it needs to be just as good even though it will be way more crowded now. I want this to be a night to remember. It will be the last time we'll all gonna be here together in this flat before I have to move out and I don't want any awkwardness or dull moments ...".

"Wait, you're moving out?" Louis dropped his hands onto the sink behind Harry, surveying his face closely. "Why don't I know that? You didn't say anything. When do you have to move and where are you moving to?".

Leaning forward to kiss his nose, Harry offered him a tiny smile. "It's a fairly new development. I've only known for a couple of days, so it was rather short notice to change tonight's location".

"Why ...?".

"I didn't say anything yet because you've been struggling with writing your new book for quite some time but this week, you seemed to get somewhere and I didn't wanna distract you, Lou" Harry just knew what he was about to ask and his thoughtful consideration warmed Louis' heart. "And I'm not entirely sure when I'm moving or where to but I'll figure that out in time".

"Now that has me worried" Louis frowned at the unsure tone of his voice. "Why do you even have to move so suddenly?".

"Remember my landlord?" Harry moved his hands onto the small of Louis' back, keeping him close to him.

"Yeah, why? Is he giving you trouble again?" Louis could clearly remember his landlord and the two run-ins they've had.

"Looks like it. I always thought he wanted to drive us out of the bakery, so we stopped him before he could even utter the words out but it turns out he's quite fond of it actually. Wants us to stay there for as long as possible" Harry started to tell him, bringing Louis back to the topic of the magic Danishes. "But he wants my flat for himself and as the owner, he has every right to kindly ask me to move out. Somehow, I didn't expect that one bit".

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