28. Sean's Birthday

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Pushing open the door to the familiar bakery, Louis made his way inside and headed straight for the main counter, where his stunning boyfriend was already waiting for him with a beaming smile on his beautiful face. "Hi, Baby".

"Lou, hi" Harry stepped out from behind the counter to fall into his arms and kiss him hello as if they hadn't seen each other this morning or yesterday and Louis really wasn't complaining.

"Excited much?" Louis placed his hands around Harry's neck by instinct, feeling like they belonged there.

"I'm always excited to see you, sunshine" Harry cupped his cheek with one hand softly, the other resting safely by Louis' waist and something about this just felt so familiar that it made him wanna melt right onto this floor. "But yes, I'm very excited and maybe the tiniest bit jumpy. I'm not really sure what to expect".

"Me neither, Sweetheart" Louis caressed his skin almost in a trance-like state. "But I just know it won't be a small affair. Think Zayn's party and triple that, maybe quad-triple it".

"Are you nervous?" Harry guided them a bit away from the counter when new customers came in, Macy taking over.

"A little bit?" Louis hadn't planned for his answer to sound like a question but he wasn't entirely sure what he was feeling right now. Nerves were definitely in the mix though.

"It's okay to be nervous or even scared. No matter what you feel, it's entirely valid, Lou" Harry pulled him flush against his chest.

"Stop being so supportive and understanding. My heart can't handle it. You make it go all woo-y" Louis slapped Harry's chest lightly, a chuckle escaping him and making Harry chuckle along with him. "It's no fun. You might give me a heart attack".

"Me?" Harry pulled a funny face, his eyes growing huge. "Do you have even the slightest idea what you do to my heart by just looking at me? It beats so fast that I fear it might just stop at one point. And it bloody stutters when you're this close, sun".

Louis couldn't tell you what changed between them even if you threatened his life. Somewhere between bonding with Harry's friends, feeling small over nothing and having him all to himself last night, Louis felt like something had shifted between them. They weren't holding back anymore, just letting everything out.

"Does it stutter when we kiss?" Louis played with some loose hair on Harry' neck. "Mine does every time before going into overdrive but I can't stop kissing you. I'm addicted, I'm afraid".

"Then I guess we're both addicts now" Harry joked horribly but it made Louis chuckle anyway because Harry was adorable and he looked endearing when he thought he was being funny. "Wanna do something about withdrawal symptoms?".

"What could we possibly do about that?" Louis loved moments like this and he couldn't exactly say why but he just did.

"Let me demonstrate" Harry closed the almost non-existent gap between them, connecting their lips in a gentle kiss.

"I'm never getting clean. I'll stay an addict" Louis chased after his lips, kissing his boyfriend again a bit more needy.

"Likewise" Harry hummed into another kiss before putting some space between them. "But we do need to get going. Sean is expecting you and you shouldn't leave him waiting".

Groaning dramatically, Louis dropped his head onto Harry's chest. "Us. He's expecting us. You're not getting out of this".

"Wasn't my plan" Harry stroked Louis' back affectionately.

"And it's really okay for you if we use a portal instead of a car? I know you didn't use your magic much before we met and I don't want you to think I'm using y ...".

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