16. A Different Angle

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Louis couldn't really comprehend all that had happened in the last week alone. First, he's had Harry back in his life due to a messed up cake order only for him to slip through his fingers again because of his lack of dick. Just for him to literally show up the day after, swearing that he didn't mean it and begging for a second chance, which he has given him without much of a second thought because he was so gone for this man. Deep down, he had known that it might've been a really bad idea but Harry had sounded so genuine and Louis had really wanted to give this a chance. He should've known better.

But it's been great, so he hadn't seen their downfall coming. The official first date they had shared had been wonderful and he had felt on top of the world, leading to his first sexual experience with a man, that he still couldn't wrap his head around. What followed had been another great evening with Harry and more new and exciting experiences, that he had thought had meant something to the man he liked but he had been wrong about that.

Because despite all the great things happening to him, destiny or the universe decided to laugh in his face yet again. Right after giving his first-ever blowjob and feeling good about himself and where they were heading, Harry's ex-husband showed back up in his life to beg him for a second chance. Realistically, Louis knew he stood no chance against Phil. He had seen Harry's face and all the answers had been right there.

Besides, that was his ex-husband they were talking about here. Harry has already been hesitant and reluctant to give them a real try from the very beginning without Phil being actively in the picture. But now he was actively back, saying he had changed his mind and realised his wrong thinking and who was Louis to try and sabotage that? It was still Phil they were talking about. Phil, who was Harry's first love, his first relationship. The person he had married once, the person he couldn't stop thinking about even after years apart, the person he'd had for almost a decade.

Of course, Harry would take him back and Louis understood that. It hurt but he couldn't be mad. Harry would always love Phil. Louis had just been some fun on the side anyway.

With Phil always in the back of his mind, they never would've had a chance to be anything real anyway. And still, here he was, still wrapping Harry's birthday present in hopes he'd find a way to deliver it to him because he wanted him to have it, no matter what they were. He wanted him to have this without actually knowing about any of this. He would let him in on another part of his life without Harry even wanting it anymore and he wasn't even thinking about not doing it. He wanted him to have this book before it got released. He wanted him to know and he wished him all the luck in the world. He truly did.

It has been nice to have dated someone for at least almost a week. It was more than he's ever had and longer than he had thought he'd ever date anyone. But now Phil was back and they should definitely get back together, so Harry could have his happily ever after, like he's always wanted it. The life they've had wanted to together. The life they've had planned together. Their family and kids. Harry deserved it and Louis wouldn't ruin it.

Instead, he was taping up Harry's present, staring at it when it was fully wrapped and ready to be given to him. Knowing that he loved his stories without him ever telling Louis about it, he had thought it would be a nice surprise to gift him his newest book before it officially dropped on Valentine's Day, revealing himself and his new profession like this. They had never talked about it and Louis had wondered why.

By now, he knew. Harry had never really cared. It hasn't been important to him because they've never been serious. Not for him. He had still only wanted to go back to Phil, which made sense to him. So, it really shouldn't hurt this much to be pushed aside in an instant, to get ghosted. But for him, it has been more than some casual fun and Harry should have known that.

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