23. A New Sunrise On The Horizon

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"How long has it been?" Abby asked him while examining a pair of jeans, considering if they were worth buying.

"A week" Harry sighed out dispirited. "The other was better. The one from that table".

"I was thinking exactly the same" Abby put the jeans back and walked over to the table on the other side of the room. "And he didn't text or anything? Nothing?".

Despondently, Harry shook his head, following her like a dog. "No, just radio silence. And ... I get it, you know? He doesn't owe me anything, least of all another chance to explain myself".

"I did tell you to be careful with what you're doing. I was afraid you might regret your rushed decisions" Abby reminded him as if it was nothing. "Blue or green? Or both?".

"Both" Harry tried to ignore how much the colour of the shirt reminded him of Louis. "The thing is, I don't think I was wrong for thinking about going back to Phil. I had every right to consider it but not the way I did. Not with quite literally ghosting Louis only to show up out of nowhere to ... It was wrong and I'm so sorry".

"I'd ask if he knows that but I'm afraid I know the answer" Abby grabbed a few more t-shirts in passing. "I know that you wanna make this right but is it only to feel better about yourself or do you actually think a last chance could work? Would it be different?".

"I can't stop thinking about him" Harry dropped into a comfy armchair right by the changing rooms, letting out a loud huff. "I'd do anything to get another chance to make things right and get the chance to actually be with him without being in denial. I'm aware of what I'm feeling this time and I'm not afraid anymore. I'm only afraid that I fucked this up beyond repair".

Showing off a red sweater, Abby eyed him closely. "You're in deep, aren't you? No one else you want?".

"No one compares to him" Harry blushed at his own words. "He is ... I'm missing the words, to be honest. I'm ...".

"Smitten" Abby smirked mischievously, making his ears burn up. "Absolutely whipped, I might even say. How did you not notice that for so long? You could've been with him for weeks".

"I was too scared to actually consider us being real and ...".

"Phil was always in the back of your mind" Abby understood what he meant. "Where is he now?".

"Not longer anywhere important. Not on my mind or in my heart" Harry clarified truthfully. "Not like this".

"Only the memory left?" Abby tilted her aside in question.

"A mostly good memory but nothing more than that" Harry confirmed easily. "I won't forget why we got divorced ever again".

"And you're not afraid of history repeating itself anymore?" Abby just knew him way too well. "You didn't date because of that".

"I would lie if I said I wasn't still scared of that but I wouldn't be able to change it anyway, would I? Throwing away my chance to be with Louis because of that stupid fear was the biggest mistake I've ever made and I ... I just want him to know that" Harry bit the inside of his cheek anxiously. "I can't let him think he wasn't enough. He was enough. He was too good for me. I wasn't ready to give us a fair chance when I still could and now it's too late".

"I'm not sure about that" Abby grabbed the pieces she wanted and went over to the checkout. "You went to a funeral together that not even his sisters attended and he wasn't mad that you looked after him. That means something".

"He needed support and some comfort and we've been kind of friends before I fucked things up with ...".

"Are you even listening to yourself?" Abby pinched his nipple, making him squeak and gaining the salesgirl's attention. Giving her an odd look, Abby slapped his shoulder this time. "Why are you trying to downplay what happened? He wanted you there".

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