17. One More Day

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"And have you seen Luke lately?" Paul asked him while sipping on his cup of coffee.

"Not in weeks but he insists on checking on my ankle again for some reason" Louis answered him honestly, knowing full well it could lead to more questions or lectures about his health.

"Probably because he knows you well and is worried that you might hurt yourself and won't tell anyone" Paul cocked an eyebrow at him pointedly, making Louis groan. "Just the truth and you know it, Louis. He's seen you through your entire recovery and knows how you downplay physical pain. He's just being a good friend".

"I know" Louis sighed into his cup of tea, his mind wandering back to all the years of knowing Luke, who's been his personal physiotherapist after his grave injury. Somehow, they had become friends through it and that friendship remained to this day.

"Anything we should be worried about? Your ankle giving you a hard time?" Paul checked when he deemed it safe to ask him.

"Just a bit sore lately, nothing too bad. I swear" Louis told him truthfully, twisting his ankle around a bit to prove his point. "And my main injury has been my knee anyway. There's no reason to be worried about my ankles now".

"It's been a bit more than just your knee and you know it" Paul wasn't up for his bullshit, knowing all about his history.

"Whatever" Louis put his cup down on the living room table. "Tell me more about that trip to Italy".

"Well, after flying over for a weekend, we decided to spend our next vacation there to spend a bit more time with Maria's family and make sure her sister's alright" Paul divulged to him casually but Louis could see that he was worried deep down.

Maria's sister had been diagnosed with cancer out of nowhere a couple of weeks ago and they had flown down to Italy the next possible weekend to help her out with some things. The entire time, Louis had been worried with and for them. He had met her only twice in the time he had known Maria but they had gotten along great and he wanted her sister to be fine. Cancer was one evil bitch and Louis wished it wouldn't exist. Life wasn't fair.

"But don't worry. We'll make sure you won't starve while we're gone" Paul added jokingly to lighten the mood.

"Not sure how you're gonna do that," Louis thought back to his last attempt at cooking anything edible. It has been a disaster.

"Prepare meals for a week and leave you to deal with yourself for week two" Paul made fun of him now but if it was helping to distract him, Louis was happy to be the butt of the joke for now. "You could always just order in or live off of frozen pizza".

"I've done that before Maria saved me. She won't be happy with me going back to that lifestyle" Louis cringed at the memory of his barely legal self trying to survive on his own after being signed and whisked away from his home, totally unprepared to be an adult and look after himself all alone. After two overwhelmingly successful years, he had been able to afford this house and hire Maria, who had been a heaven-sent gift for his health and life.

"It'll be fine for a week or two" Paul waved him off unfazed. "You could also just visit your mother more often to get fed or your sisters or you know, eat somewhere else. Or ask Aria".

"You're making me sound like a baby" Louis huffed offended.

"I'm not the one who can't cook to save his life. No one is scared I'll set the kitchen on fire in their absence" Paul mocked him freely, visibly enjoying himself a bit too much for Louis' liking now.

"I hate you" Louis glared at him but then thought of something. "When did you plan on leaving? Beth's still in school, right?".

"Obviously" Paul rolled his eyes at him as if he were stupid. "We won't leave until she's got her next break, which will be ... um ... I seriously have no idea. Ask Maria, she knows better".

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