15. Harry's Birthday

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Watching his mother make some finishing touches to his birthday cake, Harry tried to appreciate the peace and quiet for as long as it lasted. Since Thursday, he hasn't had a single peaceful day or good night of sleep. His mind was constantly running but today, he wanted to relax and enjoy his birthday. Knowing his family, they would ask though because he wasn't good at pretending.

In the next room, Harry could hear his sister talking to Logan on the phone while his dad was preparing the living room for later when his friends would show up for some cake. All of that meant that his mother had the perfect opportunity to talk to him alone and he knew that. So, he wasn't unprepared when she put the cake into the oven and turned around to him with that typical face of hers when she was about to ask something he might not like.

"Don't you wanna tell me what's on your mind?" Bella walked over to where he was leaning against the counter, stroking a loose curl out of his face. "You seem restless and thoughtful".

"Because I am" Harry sighed out, enjoying her touch. It was soothing and he needed that, badly. "My mind and my heart are in two different places right now and can't seem to agree on anything really. I'm torn and confused but I mostly feel guilty".

"You wanna tell me why?" Bella gave him the chance to escape this conversation because she was the best but Harry wanted to tell her. He needed her input and advice before he'd do what he thought he might do in a couple of days. He couldn't be wrong.

"Two days ago, Phil showed up out of nowhere when I was with L ..." Harry couldn't bring himself to say his name and didn't know why but somehow it felt wrong, which made no sense.

"Oh, what did he want?" Bella sounded as surprised as he had expected her to be. That hasn't been on any of their bingo cards for this year, that was for sure.

"He wants me back" Harry breathed out with a shudder, the words still feeling surreal. "He said we made a mistake with our rushed divorce and should give us a second chance".

Obviously shocked by that turn of events, Bella looked at him for a moment before carefully choosing her words. "And you wanna go back to him, I assume. You always wanted this to happen and for Phil to come around and ask for forgiveness".

"I never said ... I don't need to forgive him because he didn't do anything wrong. Not more than I did myself, at least" Harry felt weird at her words and needed to correct her. "But yes, most of the time, my instincts tell me to call him and take him back".

"And the other times?" Bella hooked softly, knowing there was more but letting him choose what to share with her.

"I hesitate" Harry admitted quietly, pinching his wrist filled with nerves. "I know we had something good but we also got divorced for a reason, more than one and I know he's convinced it will be different but how can I be sure? Why does he suddenly want kids and step down from his beloved job a bit? It's sudden".

"To be fair, he had four years to think about these things. It may be sudden for you but not for him" Bella noted matter-of-factly. "Which doesn't mean you have to run with it and blindly believe him if something is telling you not to. You have every right to reject him and continue with your life without him".

The prospect of that somehow wasn't sitting right with him and it was definitely showing on his face, judging by his mum's knowing look in her eyes. Sighing heavily, he felt like he should cut his head open and let her examine his brain to fully understand what was happening in there. "But would it be right? Doesn't it make sense to go back to him and get the life we always wanted?".

"I know you're longing to hear a simple yes from me, aren't you? But you won't get that answer" Bella just knew him way too well. "Love doesn't always make sense and decisions don't always need to be logical. It matters what you feel, really feel, Darling".

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