3. All Good Things Come In Threes

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"Are you gonna spend your break with Chloe again?" Harry asked Sarah when the usual Saturday morning rush died down.

"Yeah, she's expecting me at home with breakfast and all. She had a really tough shift yesterday" Sarah let him know casually while cleaning the counter.

"I don't get why Friday nights are always that much worse" he frowned at the thought of Sarah's girlfriend Chloe having to deal with rude, drunk and ignorant customers. He could never be a barkeeper. He was way too sensitive for rude people.

"It's the start of the weekend for the majority of people, so they stop caring and just wanna let loose. They don't take into account that not everyone ... It is what it is, I guess" Sarah tried to find an explanation apart from sheer ignorance but gave up along the way. "That's why I promised her a big late breakfast. I really need her to relax before she has to work again. Saturdays suck".

"Sadly true. I'm really happy that we're only open til the early afternoon. The later it gets, the ruder people become" Harry let out a heavy sigh just thinking about people's rudeness but then he perked up. "What if we visit her at the bar tonight? We're free tomorrow and we haven't done that in ages".

"We as in ...?".

"You, me, Niall, Maya and Àmbar, of course. I'm sure they'll all gonna come with us if we ask them" Harry replied as if she were stupid. "Maybe Am could even ask Belle to join us".

"You know, if Maribel joins us, Liron will probably come along as well" Sarah pointed out unsurely.

"That's fine. We're way past this. He's happy with Maribel and that's all that matters. So, what do you say? Should I ask Am?" Harry waved her worries off. He and Liron were fine. He might have hit on him once upon a time and Harry had rejected him but they were on good terms now. Liron was still a regular and was dating his best friend's friend now. All good. No drama.

"Okay, fine. Let's ask these idiots. It'll be nice for Chloe if we all show up. I don't think we've all probably hung out in ages" Sarah finally agreed to his suggestion. "Ima ask Niall".

"And he can ask Maya. I'm sure she's in" Harry was buzzing.

"Let's see" Sarah chuckled at his enthusiasm. "I'm out now".

"Have a nice break with Chloe" Harry watched her leave.

"Later, H".

Shortly after she had left, his two temps Holden and Emma came in to take over. They were both studying at the University of Domumley and had been working here for quite some time now. Emma has been his first temp this year and then Holden came along. He had a lot of faith in their abilities and could go and take his own break now without a problem. They could handle this.

Grabbing something to eat and some tea, Harry joined his best friend Àmbar at her usual table in the back. She had been sitting there for a few hours, drinking one hot chocolate after the other. Usually on Saturdays, Harry could get a little bit lonely in the bakery with Sarah mostly gone during her break and Niall having his day off but Àmbar always showed up to be there for him. And to work on her newest book here in peace and silence. Somehow she has always been able to work better on her writing here than at home. No one could explain it.

"Hey, Am" Harry sat down opposite of her, sliding a piece of chocolate cake over to her. "How's the book coming along?".

"I'm getting somewhere, I guess" Àmbar looked up from her laptop screen to send him a grateful smile, immediately starting to eat the cake as if she was starving. She probably was. When she was deep into her writing process, she tended to forget to eat or drink or even sleep. Or blink, actually. So, Harry made sure to look after her when she was here and sent her little magical messages when she was writing at home to remind her.

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