5. Burst Bubble

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The chiming of the bell almost gave him a heart attack, making his head snap up so fast that he heard it crack. Of course, that earned him an exaggerated cackle from Niall, who was covering for a sick Sarah. But Harry knew he wasn't just being a good employee and friend. No, he wanted to see Harry make a fool of himself and tease him mercilessly. Because it was Saturday again. Exactly a week later and precisely a month since Louis had become a regular in his bakery. And Louis wasn't here yet.

"Relax, boss. You can't give yourself whiplash every time this door opens" his temp Holden nudged him to the side with his hip to take over the new customer. "He will show up. He's just late".

His face flushed in sheer embarrassment for being so obvious and he excused himself for a moment, creeping into the back to take a deep breath. The entire week, he had tried not to think about what he had read and what he had realised about himself but it was bloody difficult with Louis showing up here every couple of days. At least, on Mondays and Thursdays, he never stays long enough to hold an actual conversation. He only showed up to get treats for Alexa, who's always by his side except for Saturdays.

And now he was doing it again. He needed to stop thinking about Louis so much. He barely knew him. And more importantly, he still didn't want to spare dating even a single thought. One disaster was quite enough for him. This disaster should keep him from crushing on anyone ever again but here he was now, hopelessly crushing on that beautiful and mysterious man. He was fucked.

"How did I let that happen?" Harry asked himself in despair.

Instead of getting a creepy answer from an otherwise empty room, his cat Coco showed up out of nowhere, meowing at him to pet her and calm the fuck down. Obeying her wishes, Harry settled down to pet his babygirl. She rarely came down here, not too fond of other people than Harry himself. Most of the time, she just stayed upstairs in their flat, prancing around the empty space like she owned it. That she had shown up down here now could only mean she had felt his despair through their bond.

"Damn, I love you, Coco" Harry scratched her head lovingly.

"What an adorable picture" Niall cooed from the door frame, startling Harry and making Coco hiss at him immediately.

"Bloody hell, Niall" Harry brought out, a hand over his racing heart and the other calming down Coco.

"Sorry," Niall grimaced at his own actions and the reactions. "I was looking for you because you said you wouldn't hide in here today. You told Louis you wouldn't but you're here again".

"I'm not hiding in here though. Not from him, at least" Harry picked Coco up into his arms. "Besides, he isn't even here yet".

"What if he came in while you were hiding back here from your own temps?" Niall asked him smugly.

"Oh, piss off" Harry rolled his eyes at him. "He didn't".

"Are you sure?" Niall hooked nastily, pure mischief in his eyes.

"Yes," Harry replied way too fast, quickly looking down at Coco and whispering to himself. "I can't feel him yet".

"What was that?" Niall was way too curious for his own good.

"None of your business, Horan" Harry retorted fake mad but he wasn't able to actually glare convincingly at his best friend.

"Oh, last names now. You mean business" Niall took the piss.

"Why do I even like you? You're horrible" Harry pushed past him out the door with Coco still in his arms. "Get back to work".

"That's why I actually came looking for you" Niall followed him. "I came to tell you that you can take your break now. You're late".

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