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"You're blowing this completely out of proportion, H" Niall told him casually as he put new Danishes into the display case.

"Did you not hear what I just told you?" Harry wiped over the counter, gaping at his best friend. "He hasn't had ...".

"I've heard you loud and clear, H" Niall threw away his plastic gloves, pointing at their little group. "I think we all did, didn't we?".

"We did and I can't believe you're making this such a big deal" Àmbar sounded oddly disappointed. "He literally opened up to you about this, if completely willingly or not doesn't matter right now, and you chose to react like a real prick. Good job, Harry".

"I didn't ...".

"Oh, you did. Or did you not treat him completely differently from the moment you found out he wouldn't just let you in his pants like a proper asshole? I thought that's what you told us" Àmbar stared him down with a look in her eyes that made him shrink in on himself in pure shame. "Your face tells me everything I need to know. Don't even try ...".

"Don't you think you're being a bit hard on him, A?" Niall cut her off, eyeing Harry's crouched-down frame. "He didn't mean to be an asshole. He was just shocked. It is unexpected".

"Weren't you the one who just said he was making this a bigger deal than necessary?" Sarah questioned puzzled.

"Yes, and I still think that. So, the lad has never fucked anyone. What's the big deal? Just be the first, for fuck's sake" Niall said bluntly, making all three of them stare at him with very different emotions on their faces. "What?".

"You've literally shagged dozens of people and you're telling me you wouldn't have a problem with your new partner being ...".

"No, I wouldn't, H" Niall didn't let him finish, making his frustration grow immensely. "And if I were you, I wouldn't even finish that sentence. Not ever, not even in your thoughts. It makes you sound like a proper dick. Àmbar is right".

"Thanks but not really something I wanna be right with" Àmbar grimaced pained.

"H, do you really have a genuine problem with Louis being a virgin?" Sarah asked him a lot softer than his other friends.

Before he could even answer her, a new customer walked into the bakery and Harry excused himself, thankful for the short distraction. When he had told his friends about the events of last Saturday, he hadn't expected to get crucified like a criminal. He had hoped for a bit more understanding and someone telling him what to do. Someone telling him it was alright to be ...

"Hello, how can I help you, Sir?" Harry put on his politest smile for his new customer, pushing his thoughts of Louis to the side.

"I'd like two Danishes and one bloody Virginia. Sounds weird but interesting. Cherry?" the man almost gave him a heart attack with his order, his bad mind definitely hearing something completely different and it made him feel even worse than before.

"Yeah," Harry breathed out shakily. "It's a new recipe".

"Nice. I'm sure it's great" the man sounded very excited.

Packing up his order, Harry could feel his friends still watching him closely from their previous spot in the corner behind the main counter. After receiving his money, Harry sent the man on his way and braced himself to face his friends' judgement yet again.

"Gonna answer Sarah's last question before another cherry tart gives you an aneurysm?" Àmbar had her arms crossed over her chest, still looking mad as hell and he didn't understand why.

"How about you just pop his cherry instead, mh?" Niall threw in casually, earning another round of stares. "What? I'm pretty sure he just wants to get it over with but doesn't know how".

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