30. Lemon Drizzle Cake

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An annoying low beeping sound cut through Louis' beautiful dream, making him scrunch up his face and bury it deeper into his fluffy pillow in a poor attempt to drown the sound out. Now half awake, Louis felt the bed dip right next to him, causing the sheets to rustle lightly. Instinctively, he turned his head towards the source of the commotion and immediately felt soft lips press a gentle kiss to his forehead and tender fingers comb through his hair. A second later, the fleeting touches were gone and sleep was trying to take him under again but he fought against it, if only for a quick moment. He wanted to stay as awake as possible until Harry was out of the door for work. He wanted to say good morning.

It felt like only a few short moments before Louis could sense his boyfriend crouching down next to the bed right at his side. Still very sleepy, Louis turned around and blinked one eye open to squint at him. Taking in the black darkness of his bedroom, Louis was directly met with Harry smiling at him, all dressed up.

"Morning" Louis yawned out groggily.

"Morning, Sunshine" Harry stroked some hair out of Louis' face lazily. "I'm off, yeah? But I'm back earlier today".

"Okay," Louis nuzzled into Harry's hand when it stopped on his cheek for a second. "Have a good day. I love you".

"I love you, too" Harry leaned over to peck his lips quickly, setting his whole body on fire like every morning. "Bye, Baby".

"Bye, Love" Louis watched him leave the room and immediately snuggled back into his warm pillow when the front door fell shut downstairs, falling back asleep in an instant.

A few hours later, Louis woke from his deep sleep again at an appropriate time of day and not at the crack of dawn like his man. Standing up, he leisurely got ready for the day. Dressed in comfy clothes, Louis left the bathroom and made their bed, his eyes falling onto the new little bookshelf next to Harry's side of the bed. It was filled with all of Louis' books and that filled Louis' heart with so much warmth and love. Reading over the spines, Louis was met with all of his titles: Tied To My Destiny, Renting A Place in Your Heart, The Fake-Dating Thing, his first and so far only short story compilation with three stories, Only Just A Sugar Daddy, One Year To My Freedom, House Of Love and Shelter For My Heart.

His latest and still unpublished story Heartbreaker Dance was lying on Harry's bedside table together with his newest but still unfinished story about them. Whereby, unfinished wasn't the right word because it technically had been completed for a few weeks but still felt like it was missing something. An epilogue of some sort. Something still needed to happen to really round things up. Maybe he felt this way because obviously his and Harry's story wasn't over in real life and it was odd to write an ending for them.

Dismissing that thought, Louis went downstairs with Alexa to let her out into the garden for now. Being greeted by Coco when he entered his kitchen, he started on a quick breakfast for himself. While eating his cereal, Louis got a short text from Luke, who was asking for advice on Niall and their date plans for tonight. With one hand, Louis typed out an answer that would hopefully calm Luke down. Pocketing his phone again and finishing his cereal, he thought about Luke and Niall. Their friends have been dating for a couple of weeks now but somehow weren't able to actually make them official and Luke wanted to change that tonight. For two people who were that smitten with each other they could be really stupid but Louis had no right to judge. He and Harry had been way worse and he knew that. It's a miracle they actually worked things out and were as happy as they were now.

Petting Coco affectionately, Louis found himself thinking about his boyfriend again. Even with them living together for three weeks now, Louis still couldn't believe sometimes how lucky he was. Harry was everything he had ever wanted and at times it felt too good to be true to actually have him but then Harry tended to randomly tell him how much he loved him and how lucky he was and that just made him accept that they both really felt the same way in every aspect. They were both so damn lucky and used every chance they got to point it out.

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