10. Chocolate Cake

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Something I wanted to mention before uploading any more chapters is that the smut scenes will be different this time. I know in fanfics people write the entire prepping and stretching someone out thing but that isn't how it works in real life and because this is my actual book, I write them more realistic than normal smut scenes. So, don't be surprised if things are different from now on in my stories. Just trying to stay as accurate as possible.


Saturdays were definitely Louis' favourite again. After kind of despising Saturdays for around three months, he was back to loving them because this was the second Saturday in a row that he was allowed to spend with Harry alone in his kitchen, baking a chocolate cake together. Somehow they had dropped most of the awkwardness between them since their time at Zayn's party and could talk normally to each other now, which made the baking even more fun. Getting to know the person he liked on a personal level was a welcomed added bonus to the delicious food.

"A nurse? Wow, mad respect to your mother. That job is tough" Louis whistled impressed while beating the margarine and sugar until it was foamy in his bowl. "My Mum works in a nursery home and as much as I wanna help people, I don't wanna switch".

"Understandable. That's a pretty tough job as well and severely overlooked. Emotionally draining as well" Harry supervised his work while finishing up the chocolate icing for later, knowing Louis wasn't ready to try that just yet on top of making a cake. "You can add the eggs now. Looks good".

Grabbing his cup with the cracked-open eggs, Louis mixed them in thoroughly. "It's very draining. That's why I'm kinda happy my sisters decided against following in her footsteps, in the end".

"How many sisters do you have?" Harry took the tin for the cake and started to grease the baking tin.

"Four. Two sets of twins" Louis smiled at the thought of them. "The older ones are Emily and Sophia. Em became a midwife and it just suits her. Soph on the other hand works as a sales manager for whatever reason but she loves it. The younger ones are Luna and Stella. While Luna is a primary school teacher, Stella made her hobby her job as well and became a hairdresser".

There was the tiniest reaction to Louis even indirectly bringing up his past job and it made him wonder yet again why Harry was still not asking him what he was recently doing. Did he actually think he was only sitting around all day, living from the money he had made as a footie player? Maybe that was it. Or maybe he didn't want to know. Maybe he didn't care, after all. Was that a good or a bad thing? Did he expect him to bring it up?

"Sounds like a lot going on" Harry's tongue was sticking out.

"There's always something, that's for sure" Louis chose to just ignore his question marks and focus on the moment. "I guess you don't have that with only one sister, do you?".

"Not like this, at least. I was the younger brother, so I guess I was annoying her more than she annoyed me but our mum always made her endure me anyway" Harry chuckled at the memory.

"Oh, yeah. The privilege of the youngest child" Louis teased him cheekily, adding flour, baking powder, milk, cocoa powder, grated coconut and chocolate sprinkles to the mix but it was a lot at once.

"Wait, let me help" Harry rushed to his side to come to his aid before something would spill. "There you go. Now you only have to whisk it real good. You should know how to by now, right?".

Looking straight into his eyes, Louis grinned at him with a bit of mischief in his eyes. "I did pay attention last week, Harry. You weren't that distracting. Sorry".

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