26. Changing The Demons Of The Past

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Usually, Louis has been someone who always paid attention to the movie he was watching, especially in the cinema. But today that turned out to be the most challenging thing he ever had to do. While the movie was playing, Harry was snuggled into his side and the popcorn was resting on his lap, their hands touching more often than not. Those little fleeting touches always set his whole body on fire, which brought him back to his thought about Harry being the fire to his gasoline, just that it wasn't a bad thing this time. No, it made him feel alive and hyper-aware of every cell in his body. But sadly that was also very distracting, so he missed most of the movie and just watched Harry watch it.

Of course that didn't go unnoticed by Harry, who craned his neck up to whisper into his ear, his lips tracing his earlobe and making him shudder. "Didn't you say you always watch the movie because you don't spend money to just waste it? How's that going so far? Do you even know what's happening on the screen?".

And he wanted to lie to save face but Harry's lips were trailing over his neck now, his nose nudging his jaw. "You're very ... very distracting, Baby. Really not my fault I can't look away".

"Oh, so it's me?" Harry gasped quietly, his breath hitting Louis' neck just right and Harry definitely knew that. "I'm sorry".

"No, you're not" Louis managed to put the bowl of popcorn next to him somehow, his free hand cupping Harry's cheek, which made him look up at him. "You little minx are enjoying this".

"Pardon me?" Harry fluttered his eyelashes innocently but he wasn't fooling anyone. His eyes screamed mischief.

"You love being the centre of my attention, Baby" Louis brought their faces even closer together, hovering right over Harry's lips with his own. "You love the effect you have on me".

"As if you're not affecting me just as much, Lou" Harry gulped visibly, wetting his lips slowly. "Kiss me".

"As you wish".

Eagerly, Louis pressed their lips together, feeling Harry's hand going straight for his hoodie and fisting it like a lifeline. Normally, he wasn't someone to even think about making out in the back of the cinema in one of those way too comfy loveseats but Harry's lips were way too tempting to ignore. It made him feel young.

"You make me feel like a bloody teenager, sun" Harry giggled against his lips when they came up for air.

Two months ago, that sentence would've pushed Louis down an awfully long mental spiral, making him worry about not being seen as a serious option for Harry. It would've made him feel like he meant that in a bad way but now he could hear the happiness and giddiness in his voice, which made him relax and just kiss him again because he could. Because he was allowed to.

"You started it" Louis mumbled into their kiss blissfully.

"I've never been like this. It's all you" Harry pressed himself closer to Louis' chest, deepening their kiss a little.

The nagging feeling was back and wouldn't leave him alone. This stupid voice in the back of his mind made him question if Harry really thought it was a good thing, even if it sounded like he did. This annoying voice made him question if Harry was really honest with him in every aspect. This awful voice still made him question if Harry thought they would only ever be some bloody teenage love and nothing more because Louis had obviously never had any of this. If this was only puppy love in his eyes.

"Too bad" Louis pushed the voice away and chose to enjoy this moment with his boy, who seemed to enjoy himself as well.

Letting go of his hoodie, Harry swatted his chest weakly. "You are insufferable. Watch the movie now".

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