23. mended bonds.

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Putr karn?Kunti's voice broke the siolence as karn observed the room and its audience carefully.Flashback Karn had woken up that morning with water droplets , or rather, Teardrops falling on his face.He opened his eyes and found his radha ma in tears.""radha ma?". Karn exclaimed as he wiped off her tears."I have got a solution, ma . krishna's arrival had brought it all.".Radha was astonished. "so was that the reason why the prince of Dwarka had taken the trouble of visiting our abode?".She asked, wiping her tears."yes, ma. That was one of the reasons, another reason was to tease his little sister, Rajkumari Subhadra. And you know ma? They even gave some butter to me and it was tehe tastiest butter I have ever had".Radha smiled at her son's excitement. She was, however broken from inside. Her son, he would leave her for ever, if not today, then some other day. He would no more be her radheya. Her priy vasusena karna."now, maa". Karn wined as he noticed his mother had zoned out."the solution is as simple as that. I will go to rajmata kunti and will share some time with her, and will visit you aulternatively ok?".Radha was shocked. "what are you saying, putr? You would be a royal---"."ma, listen. I had tried to ask the same question to dwarakadhish . his sister had told, that he had two mothers. Yashoda and devki.Ma Yashoda was his foster mother ."he has a foster mother like you?putr? was he a—".Radha was cut off midsentence."no, mata. His uncle kansa ruled over Mathura, and as you know, krishna had slayed him a few years ago. It was that same kansa who was scared of some profassy and killed all of devaki's children. All the profissy said was that the eighth child would be the killer of devaki's brother, kansa.But kansa had killed all the newborns , all 6 newborns in front of her eyes in the cruelest way possible.And when it was krishna', the eighth child's turn, and when he was born, maharaja Vasudeva had transported him to vrindavana. And that's how he had got Yashoda maiya as his mother, for nanda was maharaj's friend and the cheife of Gokula.And when it was time for him to leave, he had to leave all of them, his Yashoda maiya who had brought him up, sung him lullabyes, and all that. Just imagine the pain he would have faced, ma.Here, however, we're not far away from each other. And I am sure, and krishna has even assured me that his aunt or rather now my mother, kunti , won't stop me from visiting you whenever I would want.Also, ma. I will spend some time in angadesh as well.radha's heart was jumping with limitless joy. Her radhey would have two mothers, two mothers who would love him unconditionally. . her son would be the happiest person of the universe."putr, would you leave angadesh then?". Adhirata' asked, entering the hut."no, pitashri. I won't leave angadesha. I will remain the king of anga. I won't have the thrown of Hastinapur, and that would remain with my younger brother, yudhishtira. I hope there would not be any objections".Karn said and cied.He didn't know if the kuru elders would stay still after knowing he was not a soota, but a kshatriya. They would try all the ways out to make him to be the Yuvraj of the kingdom.Somehow, he knew the son of dharma was the most eligible one to be the king of Hastinapur. Also, karn had grown so attached to the citizens of anga within a few days . he didn't feal like just leaving the citizens under, even the control of Hastinapur.if he were to be the king of the Hastinapur, he would reject it. anga was more than enough for him. karn , after having some food and having taken blessings from his mother radha and father adhirata set off to the palace of Hastinapur. His heart beet faster and an unknown nervousness clawed at his heart. Would his brothers accept him to be one of them?. Would they consider him to be elder to them? Would bhima be able to accept him, a soota out of nowhere come all of a sudden and took away yudhishtir's position of being their eldest?Would arjuna, nakula, and sahadeva, who were under the fatherly embrace of their till now jyesht yudhishtir accept him as their jyesht?Then he remembered arjun's reaction when their mother had completed narrating the story of his birth. The latter was so broken. He cried so hard. Yudhishtir had fainted. Nakul was busy consoling his mother and Sahadev was expressionless.Bhim was completely shocked and his eyes had turned crimson.Krishna had his usual knowing smile on his face, while balaram was as if he would faint at any moment.Subhadra was looking at everyong with pitty in her eyes.Devaki was hugging her husband and crying her heart out. Kanrn had wondered what had made the Regal maharani of dwaraka to brake down thus. But now, he got to understand why. May be, she remembered all those infants whom her brother had killed in front of her eyes.karn's heart twisted as he tried imagining the Scenario.How much would the omother of krishna have suffered.****** flashback ends.kunti saw her son, her firstborn having the sweetest smile on his face. However, some unknown nervousness was there in his eyes. He was Fidgeting with his hair as he looked at her, finally after he was done observing the room.Suyodhana had ran and stood beside his mitr, or now, brother.Suyodhana was happy he got a friend like brother. "so, now you won't be my friend anymore, right?".Karn's eyes shot up as he looked widely at duryodhana.kunti smiled as she saw her son's each and every expressions. "if he accepts me or not. I would accept whateverhis decition would be". she said in her mind.her heart, however was not ready to here his rejection . it prayed with all its power , that karn accept her as his mother, and her other sons as his younger siblings."you would be my jyesht from now on".suyodhana said and acy Of relief passed throughout the room.everybody had thought suyodhana would make it all a mess.Suyodhana then hugged karn and then slided down to his feat and lay there, as if he was on some god's feat.Karn bend down , happy tears falling from his eyes. He lifted suyodhana up and smiled at him.Then suyo stepped aside and karn's gace landed on kunti once again.kunti Fidgeted with the end of her sari. she looked straight into her sons eyes, however.karn was surprised tocircles under her eyes. kunti beckend him closer and karn slowly started moving to kunti.the onlookers looked on with augh.as he reached near kunti, kunti saw his eyes well up with tears of joy. as he called the word she had longed for him to call her, her firstborn to call her."ma".that was the sweetest melody she had ever herd. she went back, imagining a little cute toddler karn.Her firstborn. Her love was back to her. Her little prince. Her baby.Kunti herd him calling her again."maaataaa". This time, it was not that adult karn who had called her. She herd his voice , his baby voice.She however, stood there, numb. "don't you want me, ma?".Karn wined and kunti flew to him, opening her arms wide. The son of surya united with his mother. Karn was fealing comfort. A comfort that he had only felt when he was around his radha ma. That motherly warmth and affection. He couldn't help but hug her back,as the mother and son enjoyed their moments of union.now, it seamed , in the room, there was none but both of them."ma, ". Karn called again.Kunti kissed him on his head, still embracing him."putr". She called him and both of them stayed embracing each other for long.In the room, every single person who were a witness to this seen had happy tears in their eyes.The Dwarka siblings were the happiest . krishna had a victorious smile on his charming face as he winked at Subhadra.Devki and Vasudev along with rohini, who had entered recently were smiling widely at the heart touching seen."unfair". They herd a wine and turned around.There stood the dharmaputr with a childish pout on his face and innocent eyes.Nakul and Sahadev were beyond shocked now."doesn't jyesht bhrata look more cute than us when he does that?".Nakul asked Sahadev who was grinning."hey, I thought he was a human with no childishness, all mature, mature".Sahadev piped in .Arjun sat up with renewed vigger and looked at yudhishtir, irrupting into laughter.Yudhishtir tried coming back to his normal self, but failed miserably as nakul ran and pinched his cheeks."we want jyesht". bhim's thunderous voice startled everyone, including karn and kunti.Kunti parted and placed a jentle kiss on his forehead.The next moment, karn was on the floor, all the 5 siblings on top of him.Arjun was the first to run and tacle karn into a bonecrushing hug."hey, where have you got all that strength from now?"?Yudhishtir asked and arjun winked."nakul's and sahadev's medicin.He said .Next came bhim and yudhishtir at once, hugging him from sides.Then came the two avalanches , nakul and Sahadev, who toppeld everything hear and there and litraly tried to push through. But it resulted in all of them falling on top of karn.They screamed in unison, jyeshtt".And burst into tears."get offff". Karn shouted and the next second , they were up on their feat.Karn stood up and observed everyone carefully, his cheeks all red.Krishna was laughing covering his mouth, while Subhadra was hiding behind krishna and laughing.Balram was trying hard not to laugh.Revati, who had entered the room then, saw the seen and burst out laughing.Vasudev , Devaki, and rohini, along with kunti were smiling.Suyodhana too ran and joined the group hug.It all felt complete , everything was complete. Yudhishtir felt that way. He had someone to count on now. He would be happily obeying his jyesht and experiencing brotherly love from now .Krishna, had a mistarious look on his face.The first step toward the change was complete.When he saw kunti and karn united, he had blessed them with all his heart, for them to be like this for ever.And if the lord, the jagatnatha had blessed some bond, would it brake , without his will?Does anything in the universe happen without him knowing or without his will?Krishna smiled as heknew, the bond of the 6 brothers were mended. Now, there is the bond of the cousins.He knew what was to be done, and he would do it soon.**_***a/n.so, readers. This is the end of the book, mending bonds.I have decided to make this book a like #1, #2, like that. Apologies, I don't know what we call it.So, now, this book ends here.Please,please,please. Do leave your opinions on the book.Do vote, support, and comment.


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