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I'm at a loss for where to begin, given the disappointing state of the story. Despite my best efforts to engage you all, the viewership has dropped from 1-2k to 400.

While I'm okay with this decline, I want those 400 remaining readers to react or even just vote. The drop from over a hundred votes to 34 is truly disheartening.

Perhaps I feel like , I've been dragging out the story unnecessarily, considering each chapter surpasses 5k words and demands extensive editing before posting. I'm deeply disheartened by the current situation.

Rest assured, I won't leave you hanging; I'll provide closure to the story. However, there's a limit to patience and perseverance.

Sustaining constant effort requires motivation. Which is none , for now!

To the 20-30 people who are still holding on, I ask for a bit more patience. I promise to conclude the story as soon as possible.

I might be overreacting, and if so, I apologize. However, the amount of effort I'm putting in with no feedback is becoming overwhelming.

Despite my best attempts, the situation feels like a one-sided effort. Right now, it's exhausting to keep going.

It's disheartening to realize that despite having around 50 more chapters planned until the story's conclusion, interest in this plot seems to have almost none.

I've observed a trend where stories with little plot and almost no depth capture attention, even though they follow the same tired formula.

Let me be clear-I hold no disdain towards the efforts of others or consider them any less deserving of recognition.

It's merely an observation I wish to share, reflecting on the shifting tastes of our audience.

It appears that in now , audiences engage towards shorter narratives with familiar themes and plots.

Nevertheless, I remain committed to delivering quality content, and I'm eager to reconnect with you all through the upcoming chapters. Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now