82. Gentle Seduction : A Year Together.

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In the midnight silence, Y/n gently woke Taehyung, stirring him from his slumber. Concern etched across his face, he quickly rose from the bed, his eyes searching for any sign of distress. Yet, Y/n simply took his hand and led him out of the house and into the car. Taehyung's questions filled the car's quiet interior, but Y/n remained tight-lipped, leaving him in suspense about their destination.

Y/n parked the car in front of a charming house, and as they stepped out, Taehyung couldn't help but question their destination. Y/n, still smiling, took his hand and revealed, "My mumma and dada's house."

Upon entering, the house was in complete darkness, shrouding them in mystery. But when Y/n flicked on the lights, Taehyung's eyes widened in sheer astonishment. The room was adorned with an array of balloons in red, white, and pink strewn across the floor. The dining table was a spectacle of roses and candles, surrounded by a cascade of flowers and twinkling fairy lights.

The centerpiece was a decadent chocolate cake with the words "Happy Us Day" artfully written on it. Taehyung's eyes glistened with emotion as Y/n guided him to the table, her love radiating from every detail. As she lit the candle, Y/n sweetly whispered, "Happy anniversary, Tae." Overwhelmed by the gesture, Taehyung pulled her into a tight embrace and replied softly, "Happy anniversary, my love."

With a radiant smile on his face, Taehyung suggested, "Shall we make a wish?" Y/n nodded in agreement, and they both closed their eyes, silently sharing the same heartfelt wish - to remain safe and together for all time. When they opened their eyes, Y/n handed the cake knife to Taehyung.

Playfully, Taehyung held her hand as they cut the cake together, sharing a sweet and tender moment. He then took a slice and lovingly fed it to Y/n, who did the same with a warm smile.

Taehyung couldn't resist devouring a whole slice of the chocolate cake in one go, earning a cheerful laugh from Y/n. Excitement filled the air as she suggested they light a sky lantern. Taehyung eagerly agreed, and they ventured into the garden.

With Y/n leading the way, they prepared the lantern. Taehyung carefully lit it with a lighter, and together, they watched it ascend into the enchanting night sky, their smiles shining as brightly as the lantern itself.

As they watched the lantern drift away into the night sky, Taehyung wrapped his arms around Y/n from behind, pulling her into a warm back hug. With a smile gracing his face, he whispered, "I love you."

Y/n turned to face him, her own smile reflecting the love she felt for him. She replied, "I love you too." Taehyung, unable to contain his affection, gently turned her to him and sealed their love with a passionate kiss, a beautiful celebration of their first anniversary.

After their sweet kiss, Taehyung playfully kissed her forehead, eliciting a giggle from her. Y/n returned the favor by tiptoeing to plant a tender kiss on his forehead, which made him blush and giggle in return.

They continued to explore her parents' house, finding it to be elegant, spacious, and full of warmth. But they soon returned to the beautifully decorated dining table. Y/n presented Taehyung with a heartfelt gift, and as he unwrapped it, he discovered a star map of the night they had their first date and shared their first kiss.

The map featured a picture of the two of them in the background and was elegantly framed in glass.

The sentimental and thoughtful gift brought tears to Taehyung's eyes. Overwhelmed with emotion, he hugged Y/n tightly, and they both shared happy tears. No words were necessary at that moment; their love and understanding spoke volumes.

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