42. Restless

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*As promised here's the update before reading this do check out yesterday's update first.*(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)



The killer kept dragging the body until he reached the middle of the that shady forest. There was dark everywhere but the killer could see everything clearly with his bare eyes.

He stopped infront of a shabby cottage , the condition of the cottage was worse , but the killer lifted the body with no effort and went inside it. But inside the cottage was completely different.

It was completely clean and well organised for a person to live with all the luxuries. He took the man to the door of the basement....

Opening the door of the basement, he pushed the limp body down the stairs laughing like crazy and walked down.

He stepped down to smile in satisfaction, he inhaled the smell of the basement and smiled. Well a normal person won't like the smell at all. The basement smelled like a dead body, but for the killer it was like a calming aroma .

The unconscious man was laying on the floor, with a bleeding head because of hitting the stairs. Killer dragged him to a bed like thing.

It was a torture bed , the whole basement had old and new blood spots everywhere. Near the bed there was a wall full of torture tools.... The basement was full of small chunks of human flesh , some bloody bones laying on the floor in the corner of the room.

He tied his victim on the bed and picked up a chainsaw......




The man woke up whimpering in pain , his eye lids were very heavy , he could hear some noises as if someone was chewing something , he couldn't feel his waist down.

It took him a few minutes to get his vision as soon as he was able to see , what he saw made him loose his senses.

A man dressed in blacks was eating raw human flesh from a leg , he wasn't having teeth like normal humans , he had fangs , instead of nails he had claws.

He looked down to see his legs were gone , he screamed getting the attention of the killer who just laughed at him showing his fangs with blood dripping off them .

The killer walked upto him and picked up the chainsaw again when the man asked....

Man : w...who are u , why a..are u d..doing this to me . W...what wrong d...did i do to u...?

He asked crying being almost passing out , his voice was breaking.... He had no energy due to loosing so much blood.

Killer laughed and said
" U did nothing, but u made a mistake staying all alone ."

And the killer slashed his claws on man's face and chest ripping off the flesh , and the killer ripped off his head with the chainsaw "the man was dead" . He smiled at the raw flesh and digged in.

The man's I'd card dropped from the killer hand which said.


Killer's this victim was a random one but the next one was already choosen and the killer had some different plans for that one . And this victim was a road to that one.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now