44. Stitches

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Y/n ; taehyung where is your car tell me ? Where is it??

He pointed towards a direction , pulling out the keys from his pocket.

Y/n took the keys and ran towards the car...

Y/n drove the car towards taehyung. He was almost unconscious. She got off the car and started shaking taehyung to wake him up , he opened his eyes slightly...

She pulled taehyung off the ground and made him sit on the passanger seat of the car. Lifting his legs up from the ground she placed them in the car . At which taehyung whimpered in pain. She buckled up his seat belt and rushed inside the car .
( She's an automobile engineering student , she knows how to drive. )

Y/n hit his face lightly to keep his eyes open , she was driving with one hand and with another hand she kept shacking taehyung. With his blurry vision and heavy head he could only hear y/n telling him not to close his eyes. He could see her driving the car in a full speed.

Taehyung could hear y/n yelling not to close his eyes , he felt hits on his cheeks and sholder. But his eyes weren't supporting him. His throbbing head caused him to shut his eyes....

They were about to reach hospital when taehyung lost his senses... y/n looked at him , his head hung low. Y/n almost lost the control over the car , she panicked but pulling herself together she somehow stopped the car infront of the hospital.

Y/n got off the car and the guard noticed the blood on her clothes and face and called the help from inside. Soon the hospital staff came running towards them and took taehyung inside while y/n ran behind them.

They took him into the emergency ot. Y/n was standing outside when suddenly her head started spinning and she fell on her knees. A nurse ran upto , she was asking y/n something but y/n couldn't hear anything.

She knew what was happening, it was the after effects of her wolf taking over her , the same happened during the match too.

Soon enough y/n felt like throwing up , with so much difficulty she told the nurse that she needs to go to washroom . She took y/n to the washroom as y/n threw up badly.

After almost 10mins y/n came back to her senses....
She came out of the washroom and asked the nurse about taehyung... But she knew nothing.

She again came back to the siting area near OT and sat down.... Waiting , she eyes were leaving tears. She was scared. She has seen them hurting him. It makes her soft heart feel hurt . When they were hurting him , that scene resembles when her Angels were getting hurt by some filthy people.

Soon a nurse came out from inside and handed her his wallet, phn and a broken watch along with a form to be filled.

Her hand got stuck at a question when it asks about the relationship with the patient.

What she should write? Husband? Friend? She hesitantly marks the husband option , even tho there is nothing at all between the both but for the society they are a couple.

After giving the form to the nurse y/n comes back and stands infront of the ot .

She saw his things in her hands which made her cry out , it remembered her when she received the stuff of her mom dad.
Seeing him in blood made her remember the horror she saw right infront of her eyes in such a sensitive age . The blood coming out of her mom's stomach and her dad's head , it was a clear rewind of the most horrible day of her life.

The nurse notices the shaking y/n outside the ot. She knew y/n already had a panic attack , well the nurse didn't knew it was the after effects of her wolf taking over her so she thought of it as a panic attack.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now