96. Healing Bonds (pt.1).

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As her grandmother's voice broke the silence, urging them to eat before the food grew cold, y/n's eyes dimmed with a hint of sorrow, fearing the fleetingness of their presence. Yet, her grandfather's reassuring words echoed through the room, promising their return and granting Taehyung and y/n the space they needed to reconnect after days of separation. Understanding passed between them as the elders departed, leaving the couple to share a moment of solace.

With the tray of food in hand, Taehyung settled beside y/n, sensing her pain and exhaustion. As she whispered about her hurt, he tenderly cradled her in his lap, her body leaning against his chest. "I have grandparents," she murmured, her voice tinged with a mixture of disbelief and longing.

Taehyung's kiss atop her head carried a promise of love and acceptance, reassuring her of her newfound family's affection.

Despite her fatigue, y/n's hunger spoke volumes about the ordeal she endured. "He starved me," she managed to whisper, her words heavy with the weight of her suffering.

Taehyung's jaw tensed at the revelation, but he quickly composed himself, determined to provide her with comfort and sustenance.

With gentle patience, he offered her spoonfuls of porridge, her trembling hands unable to support the weight of the utensil. Each bite she took was a testament to her resilience, her struggle mirrored in Taehyung's pained gaze.

Amidst the quiet of the room, Taehyung tended to her needs, administering her medications and offering soothing words of reassurance. A tender kiss upon her cheek preceded a warm embrace, enveloping her in a cocoon of safety and serenity. In that moment of stillness, amidst the turmoil of their circumstances, y/n found solace in Taehyung's embrace, the silence speaking volumes of their unspoken bond.

She settled onto his lap, her fingers grazing the bandage on his chest.

The realization struck her like a bolt—she had forgotten he was also injured in the accident. With trembling hands, she brushed his hair aside, revealing the bandage. As her hand passed over the bandage, a wave of relief washed over him, her touch easing his pain. He understood the toll it took on her every time she healed someone.

As she reached towards his chest, he intercepted her hand, holding it firmly. Tears welled up in his eyes as he locked his gaze with hers, a silent plea etched in his expression. "Don't! Don't, y/n. No more pain for you," he implored, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and frustration. Despite his warning, her tear-filled eyes met his, a determined resolve shining through.

She withdrew her hand, only to place it gently over his chest, her healing energy flowing through him instantly.

Clutching onto his shirt, she felt his pain resonate within her own chest, the weight of his suffering trembling through her. In a moment of shared vulnerability, he reached out to comfort her, his touch offering solace amidst the turmoil of emotions. As he called out her name, his voice filled with anguish, tears mingled with hers, an unspoken bond forged in pain and healing.

Taehyung's voice erupted with a mixture of anger and pain, laced with worry and frustration. "Aren't you in enough pain?" His words, though harsh, carried the weight of his concern and love for her.

Her lips quivered, mirroring the vulnerability of a child scolded by a parent. Yet, amidst the turmoil, a small smile broke through her tears. "I'm glad I can heal you," she whispered softly, her words filled with sincerity and the profound depth of her affection for him. With a gentle lean, she nestled back into the comforting embrace of his chest.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now