107. Gamble.

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Taehyung's tears streamed down his face as he raced around the room, his heart shattering with every passing second. The thought of Y/N and their unborn baby being in danger was tearing him apart. He felt utterly helpless, his mind consumed with fear and rage.

Maximus, on the other hand, was focused, his eyes closed as he tried to establish a mind link with Beta Kelnin. The tension in the room was palpable, every second feeling like an eternity. Suddenly, Maximus's eyes snapped open, and he spoke urgently.

"I've got Kelnin," he said, his voice a mix of relief and determination.

Through the mind link, Kelnin's voice came through, strained but clear. "They've taken Y/N somewhere. I'm following one of them now. They plan to kill Taehyung, but they don't know about the pregnancy yet. We need to get Taehyung somewhere safe."

Taehyung's heart raced even faster, his hands shaking. "No, I can't leave her. I need to be there for Y/N and our baby. Please, we need to find her."

Maximus grabbed Taehyung by the shoulders, forcing him to meet his gaze. "Taehyung, I understand how you feel, but if they find you, it could be even more dangerous for Y/N. We need to be strategic about this. Kelnin is following them. We will find her, but we can't risk you being captured or killed."

Taehyung's tears continued to fall, but he nodded reluctantly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I can't lose them," he whispered, his voice breaking.

"You won't," Maximus assured him. "We'll get her back, and we'll make sure both Y/N and the baby are safe. Trust me."

With that, they quickly formulated a plan. Maximus would coordinate with Kelnin to track Y/N's location, while ensuring Taehyung stayed hidden and protected until it was safe to reunite them.

As they prepared to move, Taehyung's mind was a whirlwind of emotions. He clung to the hope that they would find Y/N in time, his heart aching with the desire to hold her and their baby safely in his arms.

On the other side......
Y/N woke up, her head heavy and spinning. Her eyes struggled to focus, but the dim bulb on the ceiling was the only source of light. Instinctively, she covered her stomach with her hands, a protective gesture for the life growing inside her. As her vision cleared, she took in her surroundings: a dark, windowless room, cold and unwelcoming.

She felt a sharp pain, both physical and emotional, as tears welled up in her eyes. Holding onto her tummy, she tried to piece together what had happened. She remembered the faint cries of her aunt, desperately trying to stop the intruders from taking her. She recalled the harsh yank from her bed, tearing her away from her cozy nest and into this nightmare.

The fear and uncertainty gnawed at her, but she knew she had to stay strong for her baby. She couldn't afford to give up hope, even in this dire situation. Taking a deep breath, Y/N tried to calm herself, focusing on the rhythmic beating of her heart and the tiny flutters she felt inside her.

Y/N sat up, only to feel the cold bite of metal against her ankle. Her eyes widened in horror as she saw the chain that bound her to the wall. Panic surged through her, but her body, drained of energy, refused to respond. She could barely move.

Tears streamed down her face as she realized the gravity of her situation. She closed her eyes, clutching her stomach protectively. The soft fabric of Taehyung's hoodie was a small comfort. She forced herself to imagine he was there, shielding her and their baby.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now