58. Eachother's Support

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The same shabby cottage was surrounded with the darkness of the forest and the thoughts of the person living inside. It was 4am and
The alpha was laughing hysterically looking at the plan he just made to kill his another side victim to his main one . He decided to kill the only person his little victim had with herself. Yes!! He decided to kill yeonjun , the only rock in his way to the beauty.
He has been following the innocent guy all the way from uni to his house, his family or any other person related to him . Trying to know his routine . He decided the right time , the right place to kill the guy.

After his morning routine , taehyung nervously went downstairs. He has been crying last night cursing at himself for being with a bitch ignoring and hurting such a beautiful angel. But this is not what's concerning him but he again hurted y/n , he made her cry is what's bothering him the most.

He steps down to see y/n placing food on the dining table as usual. Taehyung hesitantly wished

Tae ; g..good morning y/n.

Y/n : good morning!.
She said in a monotone without even looking at him. Taehyung's smile fell , he understood that she didn't wanted to talk to him but still he tried to talk further.

He sat down and was about to say something but as soon as he sat down y/n picked up her bag from nearby chair and started walking towards the main door but taehyung stopped her...

Tae ; y..y/n where are u going?
He asked because there was only his food on the table.

Y/n ; i have extra class .
She said with a straight face.

Tae ; oh ok! Let me drop u .
He said feeling bad in his heart because of her cold behaviour.

Y/n : yeonjun will pick me up , u don't have to trouble yourself taehyung.
She said and walked out of the house taking the appartment keys...

Taehyung turned around feeling distressed . He walked to the dining table seeing the food.
He smiled that she still made him his favourite breakfast.

Y/n blankly walked to bus stand and in no time she was already at the uni. She walked inside her class which was completely empty till now. It was too early to get into the class .

She lied to Taehyung , yeonjun didn't even knew about her going so early.

Y/n was crying in the class when yeonjun as usual called her asking if she was coming today or not.
As soon as he heard y/n's voice telling him that she was already in the uni that too all alone . Yeonjun took a quick ride to the uni knowing that's something was wrong.

With in 20 mins he reached their class panting because of the marathon he did form his house to uni. Entering the class he was meet with y/n sitting at their usual place with her head hung low , she was covering her face with her hands.

Yeonjun walked up to her , he kept his bag at his seat and said..

Jun ; y/n? Hey? What happened? Why are u here so early huh?
He asked but instead of a reply he heard a muffled sob. His heart sank , something really happened to her.

By this time students started entering the class one by one... And they started staring at the duo.

Jun ; hey? Y/n? What's wrong? Show me your face y/n?
He said in a worried yet soft tone . But again y/n just sobbed.

Yeonjun sat down near her and began to rub her back asking her...

Jun ; y/n what's wrong? Look at me and tell me before I leave form here!.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now