45. Nightmare

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Tae : well but i didn't knew I had a Mini Hulk in my place .
This made both of them giggle .

Taehyung's dad smiled when he heard this sweet conversation standing near the door.

Tho he hasn't forgave taehyung yet but still , he still wants their marriage to work out .
After today he's completely sure that y/n is the best girl in whole world and his fool of a son can never find someone better then her , but that doesn't means he'll forgive him . He still needs to learn his lesson.

Tae : btw , what did doctor say? When can I get discharged? I hate hospitals...

Y/n : Doctor said they'll discharge u the day after tomorrow.

Tae : oh god!!! A whole day ...

Y/n : it's fine!! It'll pass...

Suddenly Taehyung's dad came in the room intrupting the sweet conversation.....
Y/n turned around as his dad smiled at his daughter in law.

T/d : dear , now u go home with mom ok?

Y/n : but it's fine , I'll stay here! U both can go and rest .

T/d : no dear ur not staying here and that's final . U are also injured, u need rest too ok? , moreover u have done alot today for someone who doesn't even deserves it.
He said side eyeing taehyung who's smile dropped at his statement.

Y/n : but it's nothing just some cuts .

T/d : no more arguments , go home , have a good rest and come in the morning.
And don't worry about me i won't be uncomfortable here and the guards are here too so there's nothing to worry about.

The guard will drive u both home ok?

Y/n : ok...
Said a politely.

She bowed at his dad and gave a small wave to taehyung who in return did the same and walked out of the room where his mom was already standing, she went inside , kissing her son's forehead she came out of the room and both of them left for taehyung's apartment. Because it was the closest to the hospital.

Taehyung's dad put on a straight face and went to the big couch in the room to sleep.
Taehyung wanted to apologise , he wanted say to sorry . He wanted his dad to talk to him but he just swallows all the emotions and sleeps.





Somewhere in the outskirts of seoul...
The same dark forest , the same dark pathway to the same dark cottage.

Meters away from that shabby cottage , in that dense forest painful screams of a girl could be heard. But to hear those painful screams there was no with with ears .

The forest had nothing other than some deaf trees and bushes...

Inside that shabby cottage there was a naked girl being dragged from the bedroom to that horrible basement.

Nothing much , she got kidnapped while returning home from University. Poor girl was only 22 and was alive for only an hour not more than that.

The killer was just taking out his frustration on his one time victims...
He abducted this girl two days back , he brought her here , raped her , he performed all his sexual desires , his dirty fantasies on the poor girl until blood seeped out of her genitals.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now