86. Mate's Desires : Kitten.

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After three weeks of diligent healing, Y/N's injury had progressed remarkably. In the initial week, Taehyung shouldered the responsibility of carrying her everywhere. By the second week, Y/N started navigating the house on her own, slowly gaining back her mobility. Now, in the third week, her recovery was complete.

Amidst this recovery journey, the couple had another adventure on the horizon. The past weeks were spent meticulously packing up their current home, marking the beginning of a new chapter as they prepared to move into their new dwelling, where the promise of fresh memories and shared experiences awaited them.

As the realization of leaving their apartment dawned upon Y/N, tears welled up in her eyes in the morning. Taehyung, charmed by her poignant display of emotion, cooed at the endearing sight. Over the next two weeks, the couple would find temporary stay in the Kim mansion, basking in the familial warmth as they awaited Y/N's graduation.

Post-graduation, they would embark on a new chapter, transitioning into their new, separate home, filled with the promise of shared dreams and endless love.

Y/N and Yeonjun strolled through the mall, their laughter echoing in the air as they indulged in a besties' shopping spree.

Y/N teased, holding up a quirky accessory, "Can you imagine Taehyung's face if I wear this at home?"

Yeonjun grinned, "Minjun might think I've lost it if I get this funky hat. But who cares? It's all in good fun!"

They browsed through stores, picking out random items, trying on silly hats, and sharing genuine, unfiltered laughter. The mall became a canvas for their friendship, painted with the hues of camaraderie and the joy of being besties who could be themselves.

As Y/N and Yeonjun continued their shopping spree, they stumbled upon a variety of stores, gleefully selecting items and sharing laughs. Amidst the bags and goodies, they decided to pick out thoughtful gifts for Taehyung's parents.

Y/N suggested, "How about a beautiful piece of artwork for Taehyung's mom? She loves unique and artistic things."

Yeonjun nodded, "And maybe a vintage record or a special edition book for his dad? Something nostalgic and meaningful."

Together, they searched for the perfect gifts, not just as tokens of appreciation but as heartfelt gestures for Taehyung's parents. It added a touch of warmth to their shopping adventure, making it not just about things but about creating memories and spreading love.

After dropping Yeonjun at his place, Y/N strolled back to a boba store, craving a refreshing drink. However, a sudden collision with an elderly woman led to a cascade of spilled items. The woman, in a panic, apologized profusely.

"Am soo sorry, dear!" the elderly woman exclaimed, anxiety etched on her face.

Y/N reassured her, "It's completely okay, aunty," gently guiding her to stand. With a swift collection of belongings and a call to the store helper, Y/N managed to ease the situation. She escorted the woman to benches outside, lending a comforting arm.

In an effort to lighten the mood, Y/N swiftly arranged for another round of drinks. As the woman fumbled with her ice tea, Y/N chuckled, "It's okay, aunty. I was on the phone. It was my fault."

Seated side by side, they shared a moment of accidental bonding, turning an ordinary day into an unexpected connection between generations.

Y/N graciously took a seat beside the elderly woman, and with a warm smile, the woman inquired, "Dear, what is your name?"

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now