61. Untold secret ( Her )

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Tae ; hlo y/n?

He could only hear her terrible sobs from her side . And the sounds of lighting.

Y/n??? Y/n??

His heart dropped, giving him shivers , her voice terrible crying was killing him.

What happened? Y/n can u hear me? Please respond to me y/n??

"Y/N??" he yelled when chocked on her breath.

Y/n?? Please respond to me ?? Talk me!! Y/n ??

Y/N ; t... tae??
She cried and he almost fell on his knees .

Tae ; yeah! Yeah! Y/n am there , am listening.



He felt everything crashing around him , but he heard another sob that made him revive.

Tae ; y/n! Please talk to me what happened? Where are you?
He asked in a softest tone possible.

Y/n ; t...tae! I...i a..am s.. sorry i h..hurt u p..please h.. help me... I ...s..scared..
She cried choking herself on tears.

Tae : y/n! No need to be sorry hm.. what happened? And where are u ? Hmm??
He asked with love.

Y/n : i...d..don't k.. know a...am s..scared i..i w..wanna g..go h...home p.. please.. a..am s...scared..
She cried and screamed as the thunder strike. He ran to the lift getting inside in a hurry with John running behind him .

Tae : y/n!! Love please stop crying hm am on my way to get u , can u see something around anything so that i can get your location ..
He asked while agressively pressing the lift buttons.

Y/n : i..it's r.. raining i...c..can't s..see anything p.. please h..help..
She was terribly sobbing , the other people in the lift were shocked to see their boss being this worried..

Tae ; it's ok am coming. Can u turn on the location of your phone? So that i can get u fast..
He asked and y/n turned on location somehow with her shacky hands.

Y/n : i..d..did..!!
She said and he was near the main entrance to run to the parking but stops when he saw the condition outside.

It was raining like crazy , a storm was going on right now.. there is no way he can drive in this weather.

Tae ; ohh ok ok y/n am coming to get u .
Without hanging up , he opened the maps to see her location which shows that she was near the highway on the outskirts of seoul.

What was she doing there? How did she go there?

He was about to run outside the office building when John pulls him back making taehyung growl at him.

John ; sir! U can't go out , the whole city is stuck , there's no way u can drive in this weather and even if u do! U won't be able to reach anywhere.

The High alert is going on right now , people are suggested to stay at the insides.

Taehyung pulled his hair in frustration and yelled at John

Tae : do u think i care!! I don't give a fuck!! My wife is stuck at an abandoned place. I need to get her home safely!
He yells and suddenly a thunder strikes , he started calling y/n's name but instead of a response to he he could only hear the loud thundering.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now