77. Pampering.

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An hour later, y/n strolled through the empty hallway of the house when she suddenly found herself pulled towards the wall, sandwiched between Taehyung's strong hands as they caged her in. Her cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson as she gazed into his intense eyes. Taehyung's fingers trailed along her neck, where hickeys had been moments ago but were now cleverly concealed.

Stuttering nervously, she explained, "Th-they were too dark, so I put foundation on them."

A sly smirk graced Taehyung's lips, making her feel even more flustered and sensitive to his presence. "You did a great job hiding them," he whispered, sending shivers down her spine. She bashfully lowered her gaze.

His gentle grip on her waist remained reassuring as he requested, "Look at me." Y/n's submissive omega compelled her to obey, and she timidly raised her head to meet his gaze. In a slightly strained yet deep tone, he questioned, "Why are you running away from me?"

She gazed at him, her voice barely above a whisper as she admitted, "I... I am shy."

Her words only added to her charm, and Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle at her endearing shyness. "Why are you shy? I'm your husband, aren't I?" he teased, a playful glint in his eye.

"And I haven't even done anything yet, baby. There's so much more we need to do together."

Y/n, now grasping his implication, widened her eyes and playfully slapped his chest, her embarrassment mixed with a hint of anticipation.

Y/n tried to push him away, a mix of shyness and playfulness evident in her actions. "Let me go," she protested, but Taehyung just chuckled, holding her tightly. "Sorry, sorry, I won't tease you, okay?" he assured her with a grin.

She pouted at him, and he was about to lean in for a kiss when his mother faked a cough from behind them. Y/n immediately stepped away, and Taehyung sulked playfully at his mother.

His mother, however, was determined. "You can do this later. I need your wife for a while. Right now!" she declared and promptly dragged Y/n away with her, leaving Taehyung with an amused grin.

Sulking, Taehyung made his way to their room, contemplating how to spend his time until Y/n was free again.

Much later....

Y/n, unable to find Taehyung in their room, descended the grand staircase and ventured back into the expansive grounds surrounding their countryside estate. The inky darkness outside enveloped her, intensifying the intrigue of the night.

In her quest, she decided to reach out to Taehyung. With her phone in hand, she dialed his number, and as they conversed, he dropped a tantalizing clue: "Look up."

Filled with curiosity, Y/n tilted her head upward, and there, standing on the moonlit terrace, was Taehyung. The soft glow of the moon caressed his features, transforming him into a captivating silhouette amidst the night's obscurity. Her lips curved into a radiant smile, as the moonlight painted him in an ethereal glow, resembling nothing less than an angel.

Caught in the enchantment of the moment, she couldn't resist capturing the scene, preserving his image in a photograph. Taehyung, ever playful, noticed her intent and responded by striking a playful pose, forming a V with his fingers. His gesture prompted an infectious, joyful laugh from Y/n, and she continued to capture more pictures of him.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now