87. Drunken Whispers :Bigger Boobs.

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In the soft glow of the morning light, Taehyung stirred from his slumber as a gentle knock echoed through the room. Wrapped in the aftermath of a heated night with Y/n, he rose groggily from the bed, only to open the door in a half-asleep daze.

However, his eyes widened in surprise as he was met with the amused gaze of his parents. Glancing down, he realized he stood before them in nothing but his underwear.

In a swift move, he hastily closed the door, leaving his parents chuckling awkwardly on the other side.

From beyond the closed door, Taehyung's dad reassured him, "It's okay, son! We just wanted to let you know we'll be gone for today, alright!"

Taehyung, still flustered, replied from inside, "O-okay!"

Sitting in the car, Taehyung's dad chuckled, "We shouldn't forget our son is a married man now!"

His mom added, "Yeah! Anyways, I think we'll be grandparents soon," and they shared a cheerful high-five.

In the quiet hours of the morning, Taehyung, still carrying a touch of embarrassment, returned to bed. As he observed Y/n peacefully asleep, adorned with his artwork of hickeys, he couldn't resist planting a tender kiss on the top of her head. Hugging her close, he silently expressed gratitude that he hadn't opened the door wider – sparing his parents from glimpsing Y/n's unique hybrid ears.

As the sun reached its zenith, gently filtering through the curtains, Taehyung and Y/n began to stir from their peaceful slumber. The room, bathed in a soft glow, witnessed the couple's gradual awakening. Taehyung, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, couldn't resist teasing his still half-asleep wife.

He leaned in, his lips close to Y/n's ear, and playfully remarked, "Good afternoon, love. I hope you're not planning on making a grand entrance without any attire." His voice held a playful tone, and a teasing smirk danced on his lips.

Y/n, eyes still adjusting to the daylight, let out a soft groan, her hand reaching to cover her face. "Tae, seriously?" she mumbled, a hint of laughter in her voice.

Taehyung chuckled, pulling the sheets up slightly to reveal a mischievous grin. "Just making sure you're aware of your fashion choices, or the lack thereof," he quipped, his playful demeanor adding a light-hearted touch to the lazy afternoon.

The couple shared a laugh, the comfortable intimacy between them evident in these carefree moments. The day unfolded with shared smiles, teasing glances, and the promise of more shared adventures in their journey together.

Taehyung, being the considerate husband, brought a delectable lunch to their room. Y/n, still feeling the aftermath of their wild night, appreciated the gesture. The aroma of the food filled the room as Taehyung set up a makeshift dining area on a small table.

He carefully helped Y/n get comfortable, making sure she had everything she needed. The room, adorned with sunlight filtering through the curtains, became a cozy haven for the couple. Taehyung, ever attentive, poured out their favorite drinks and initiated a conversation filled with warmth and laughter.

As they indulged in the scrumptious meal, the room echoed with their shared joy and affection. The simple act of having lunch together in the comfort of their own space became a sweet interlude, allowing them to bask in the intimacy of their connection.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now