57. Things falling apart

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The next morning bloomed with a beautiful bright sun shining in the sky....

Taehyung woke up with the backache groaning as he slept on the couch in the hall because he wanted to stay close to y/n because she wasn't well last day. He didn't tell this to her and if he'll then y/n will never let him be in this uncomfortable state.

The whole night he kept checking on her every hour if she was asleep or not , if she had fever or not. But she slept well the whole night, what a relief for him , isn't it?

He went to his room for his routine.

Stepping down he was met with y/n cooking in the kitchen with a cute little smile on her face , the cute site melted his heart....

Y/n saw him and smiled

Y/n ; good morning tae!!

Taehyung heard this and screamed inside...

Tae : good morning!

He smiled Widely.

The couple happily had a breakfast together , with lots of giggles ....
The atmosphere of Taehyung's apartment is very nice and pleasant these days. He always wants to hurry back home where a few months back he preferred staying in office for longer hours.

He feels so relaxed and cheerful when he's home where it used to be so dull and exhausting a few months back.

Ending the dinner the couple got inside car , as usual y/n got dragged to his car.
Y/n gets a text of an hospital appointment reserved from the name of taehyung. She was confused .

Y/n ; tae. Am i got this text for an appointment.
He didn't let her complete and said.

Tae : oh yes! Y/n i booked that appointment for u , u have to go to the hospital after your classes.

Y/n : b..but w..why.

Tae ; why not y/n , u had such a terrible body ache , it isn't normal , i already told the doctor everything so u just need to go there for some tests. I wanted to come with u but i have 3 meeting back to back today.

Y/n : i..it's ok i'll go with yeonjun.

Tae ; hmm.
He just hummed because he felt a littleu jealous.

And here y/n was scared to see the doctor , what will she tell him about the reason. What if he finds out . Nothing will be in the results , this is ofcourse the natural phenomenon that happens with y/n . Taehyung noticed the sudden fall of excitement in y/n so he cheered her up telling her some funny childhood stories. Reaching the uni y/n got off waved at him and went to her class.

Entering the class she was met with a worried yeonjun. She sat beside him and smiled .
Here yeonjun was so overwhelmed to see y/n all cheered up and smiling.
Never ever he has seen y/n in such a good condition after a full moon , she always used to be so dull , lost and sick after a full moon .

But today... She seems so happy , glowing and cheerful.

He was looking at her for a few seconds and not saying anything... So she asked him

Y/n ; what's wrong?

Jun; nothing! U just look good.
To which she giggled.

Jun ; was it ok this time?? ( He asked about the full moon)

Y/n ; it was terrible but tae helped me and that's why am so good right now.
And then she told each and everything to him how taehyung helped her....

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now