81. Mischief and Laughter.

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In the soft morning light, Y/n awoke to find her husband, Taehyung, sleeping soundly beside her. His innocent slumber, lips gently parted, reminded her of the way he resembled a peaceful baby. Her heart warmed at the sight, and she couldn't resist a light, affectionate giggle.

Carefully, Y/n covered him with a blanket to ensure he stayed cozy and continued to enjoy his rest. She then made her way to the bathroom and looked at her reflection in the mirror. There, she found the remnants of their passionate night, dark and visible hickeys decorating her skin, a vivid reminder of their intense connection.

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and the memory of last night flooded her thoughts. Determined to quell the rising blush and those vivid memories, she splashed cool water on her face. Afterward, she took a refreshing shower, opting for a simple outfit - a white shirt paired with black pants and white shoes, her hair left open to cascade around her shoulders.

Though the heat of the moment still tingled in her skin, Y/n was resolved to focus on the day ahead, not allowing herself to become flustered by the passionate memories of the night before.

Y/n made her way downstairs to prepare breakfast, her mind still tingling with the remnants of their passionate night. After a while, she finished preparing a delicious morning meal and decided it was time to wake Taehyung up. He needed to get ready for work, and her shy demeanor wouldn't change that.

However, the thought of approaching her husband after their intense night made her cheeks flush with embarrassment once again. Nonetheless, with a deep breath, she gathered her courage and went upstairs to their bedroom, determined to rouse him from his peaceful slumber. It seemed her stone-headed husband wasn't planning to wake on his own today.

Y/n gently shook Taehyung's shoulders, trying to wake him from his deep slumber. She knew he had to get up for work, and time was ticking away. Her voice was soft, yet persistent, as she urged him, "Wake up, Tae! You'll be late for the office."

Taehyung grumbled in his sleep, still lost in dreams, but Y/n was determined to get him up and ready for the day.

Y/n playfully patted Taehyung's cheeks, trying to coax him out of bed. She had tasks to do and couldn't let him oversleep. As she was about to get up, he suddenly pulled her back onto the bed, holding her close to his chest. Taehyung, with his deep morning voice, teased her, "Trying to run away from me, my kitty?"

Y/n felt a shiver run through her body, but she quickly composed herself. She playfully slapped his chest and retorted, "I am not a kitty! I am a wolf." Taehyung chuckled, knowing he was in a bit of trouble.

Y/n told him to take a shower while she prepared his clothes. With a wink, Taehyung rushed into the bathroom, leaving Y/n to her tasks.

As Y/n set up Taehyung's attire and continued applying the foundation to cover the hickies, her breath caught in her throat when the bathroom door swung open, revealing her husband, Taehyung. He had just showered, and his chiseled upper body glistened with droplets of water. Her eyes were immediately drawn to his hard abs, muscled chest, and powerful biceps, and the sight made her heart race.

Taehyung, with a knowing smirk, approached her, his wet hair adding to his irresistible allure. The towel in his hands was thrown aside, and she gently gestured towards the bed, " your c..clothes" stammering at her own reaction. The intensity in his eyes was palpable, and he couldn't help but be drawn to her.

Y/n felt a surge of desire and gasped as he pulled her closer by the waist. The electrifying chemistry between them was undeniable, and the anticipation of what was to come hung in the air.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now