48. Panic Attack

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Y/n looked around standing at the edge holding on to the glass railings. Taehyung came near the girl and stood beside her . She was looking around the city with glitters in her eyes.
Which made taehyung feel happy too..

A little smile came on her face making taehyung smile too. While y/n was staring at the view , he was staring at her.

Suddenly he saw a tear rolling down her cheeks....
Taehyung noticed and

Tae : y/n?? What happened??

To which y/n looked at him and then looked at the night sky above them..

Y/n : u know i was 8 when i lost mumma dada infront of my eyes and since that day i have never been happy. Since then everyday was painful, full of bad words , loneliness , sadness...

But today, it's not like those day .

Today was no bad words , no pain , i wasn't hurt today. I felt good today when everyone congratulated me , my professors and principal said they are proud of me . I didn't cry the whole day....

I just don't know what am feeling? Was i happy? I m..mean i..it's been y...years since i was last happy... And i h.. honestly don't remember h..how b.. being happy feels...
A..am just confused...

Am i happy?
Is this how we feel when we are happy?

Y/n asked taehyung looking directly into his eyes , with her teary ones .
To taehyung she looked so innocent like a kid was asking him a question. The eye contact made his stomach twist inside. He felt bad , really bad for the Girl infront of him .

How can person not know what being happy feels like . Well whatever y/n said was completely true  , the poor bean was confused about was she happy or something else.

Taehyung stepped forward and wiped her tears.

Tae - it's ok y/n...
He said caressing her hair and head.

Tae : y/n u know what?
Y/n was looking down but when he said this , she looked up at him and hummed in response.

Tae :  past years must have been harsh but from now on you're going to be happy, everyday will be a good day.

Y/n : d..do u think so?
She asked wiping her eyes.

Tae : i know so!.
He said assuring her in a Playful way , which followed with a giggle.

This made y/n giggle too...

The couple sat down on the table and taehyung proceeds to order coz when he asked y/n about what she wanted to eat , she asked him to order anything.

During the whole dinner they both just talked about random things , it was more like taehyung asking y/n about her likes and dislikes.

At the end of the dinner he got to know that y/n is a  very simple personality , she isn't picky about food or something . But she likes chocolate flavour of deserts... She likes quite places , with less people around. She likes flowers and animals.
Taehyung found it very attractive and beautiful , her simplicity made him smile inside. He had a very different feeling in his heart when he was getting to know more about the girl.

But he wanted to know more about her , he had many questions about her mom dad , her uncle and aunt. He wanted to know about her past . How things happened? What happened with her in all those past years.
But he didn't wanted to make her uncomfortable...

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now