68. " Stone Head".

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Dear Mumma and Dada,

Life has been a scary journey since you both left. Nights were spent in tears, and hunger gnawed at me until I was too weak to stand. Aunty's cruelty became my constant companion , being beaten up every hour was a constant reason for me hate my life.

Forced into a marriage I never wanted, I faced a new form of suffering. He, the stranger I was bound to, once viewed me with disgust, inflicting pain upon me.

But amidst this darkness, an unexpected twist emerged. An alpha, the embodiment of my fears, entered my life.

And then there was Taehyung, my husband. He stood by me in the face of that ominous alpha, never flinching at my hybrid form, offering his protection , love and support. He risked his life to save me.

He embraces me to sleep, if I had a nightmare, he's there for me to put me back to sleep . He nurtures and cares for me, i many times find him reading about wolfs on internet , he tries every single thing he can to understand me better as a hybrid.

His parents, much like you both, shower me with love, erasing my loneliness. When he says he loves me, his kisses on my forehead envelop me in a cocoon of safety, sparking butterflies within me.

The connection I feel with him is undeniable, but I am haunted by the fear of losing him, much like I lost you both. The memories of abandonment linger, but having a family now brings solace. Yet, insecurities plague me, as I am a hybrid, a potential danger to him. I fear the harm that might befall him due to my existence.

I know right now he is standing outside my study room , waiting for me to come out so that he can hug me to sleep and share about his day . But he won't disturb me until I am in here.

Mumma, just as you used to tell me I was beautiful, I now embrace my uniqueness as a hybrid. Those extra ears and tail, once a source of pain , tears and disgust , are now adored by him.

Dada, he shares traits with you, a resemblance that comforts me. I find myself yearning for a future by his side, a life I don't want to forfeit.

I ask you both to watch over this newfound family of mine. Please protect them, for my sake. The love you bestowed upon me has found a new vessel, and I am grateful for that. I love you both, eternally.

With love,

Closing her journal, Y/n brushed away a single tear and offered a smile to the photographs of her parents, knowing deep down that their love and protection still enveloped her.

Y/n caught the gentle tap on the door, and her heart warmed as Taehyung's face appeared, the door opening just a crack. His voice was soft as he inquired, his expression adorably pouty.

"Finished yet?"

Y/n's lips curved into a smile, and she swiftly organized her desk before responding, "Yes, all done."

Taehyung's smile widened, and he playfully tugged y/n along, leading her toward their shared room.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now