79. Unanswered calls.

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Fifteen days flew by in the blink of an eye. Y/n was consumed by her exams, balancing her time between cooking, studying, and little else. She'd often wake up early, prepare breakfast for them, and then head off to university or spend long hours at the library.

Taehyung couldn't help but sulk, missing her attention and companionship during this busy period. He longed for her presence as she dedicated herself to her studies.

Y/n returned home after her last exam, utterly exhausted. She flopped onto their bed and instantly fell into a deep sleep.

Taehyung, returning home later than usual, was initially concerned when he couldn't find her in the living room. He called out to her, but there was no response. When he entered their bedroom, he couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her in a weird yet endearing position. He snapped a quick picture to tease her later.

Gently, he lifted her into his arms, removing her socks and tucking her in under the blanket. After a warm shower, he changed into comfortable clothes and settled in bed beside her. He couldn't resist giving her a tender kiss on the forehead, and as she snuggled closer to him, he couldn't stay mad at her for long.

They both drifted off to sleep, her in his embrace, ready to tackle a new day together.

Y/n woke up the next morning with a mild headache, realizing she had slept in for quite a while. She glanced around and noticed that Taehyung wasn't beside her.

Her heart sank as she checked the time and saw it was already 10 am, the next day. Taehyung had clearly left for work, leaving behind a messy room with his clothes scattered on the couch and socks strewn about.

Concerned, she worried that he might not have eaten anything since the previous night.

Determined to make it up to him, Y/n quickly got out of bed, took a shower, and set about tidying up the house. She planned to prepare a nice meal for her husband .

Y/n was determined to make things right with Taehyung. After preparing all his favorite dishes, she packed them neatly and decided to go to his office, knowing he might be upset with her.

Before leaving, she went to their bedroom and picked up the white outfit that Taehyung had bought for her but she hadn't worn yet, wanting to surprise him. She gathered the bag full of food, along with her phone, wallet, and the bouquet of flowers she had picked up for him. Then, she set out to pick up his favorite milkshake and dessert.

Afterward, she parked her car in a nearby parking lot and walked into the building where Taehyung's office was located. She was determined to make amends and put a smile back on her husband's face.

Y/n entered the office building, looking stunning in her white outfit, her grey eyes adding to her angelic appearance. As she approached the receptionist's desk, the woman at the desk was clearly taken aback by her beauty.

Y/n politely asked, "Excuse me, can you tell me where Kim Taehyung's office is?"

The receptionist, in a somewhat rude tone, replied, "Ma'am, do you have an appointment?"

In her mind, Y/n couldn't help but think, "Bitch, he's my husband."

However, she maintained her composure and responded with a polite smile, saying, "I don't think I need an appointment to meet my husband."

The receptionist chuckled and replied, "Oh, really? He's your husband! Just like every other girl thinks of him as her husband?" She had a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now