50. Dr. Kim seokjin

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Some of my readers didn't get the notification of the previous two parts so go and check them out first before reading THIS!!!...


but her Omega instincts were telling her something else. She felt like something was going to happen. It was making the feel girl uneasy. She was suddenly feeling like throwing up. The intuition was too strong to Handel.

Y/n held onto her pendent tightly trying to calm herself down . Maybe it was her anxiety because she was going to meet new people and there were possibilities that someone could be  an alpha ( it was what y/n thought shrugging off the wierd feeling. )

Taehyung was peacefully driving when he heard a little whimper from his right. He turned towards y/n and was about to ask something when she suddenly spoke up...

Y/n ; Tae.. taehyung i am s..sorry.
She says not looking at him.

Listening to this and sensing the sudden tense behaviour of y/n , he parked the car at the side turned towards y/n...
Tae : what happened y/n?? are u ok?? Why are u saying sorry to me huh?

Y/n still didn't look at him.

Y/n ; a..am sorry if I g..get anxious and me..mess up . I might end up ma.. making u e.. embarrassed infront of them. I..j..just ca..can't help it. That's why am s.. saying s.. sorry in advance.

Y/n answered him honestly.

Tae : y/n! Don't even think like that , i can understand and i will take u back immediately just tell me when u feel like it's getting out of control ok?? And y/n i bet they won't make u uncomfortable. U'll enjoy their company.

He says smiling and tries cheering her up. Y/n looked at him Before nodding like a baby.  Which made taehyung smile.

Soon they arrived at the destination. Taehyung was damn excited to introduce y/n to his Hyungs.

Y/n and taehyung headed inside the appartment complex and before getting into lift...

Taehyung looked at the nervous y/n standing behind him... He took her hand into his and smiled at her.
Y/n looked at him before holding on to his hand tightly.

The couple walked in the lift holding hands. They reached his appartment and tae rang the doorbell.

The door opened revealing a smiling jimin.
( Well taehyung already told everyone about y/n's anxiety and that's why they sent jimin to open the door and greet her first , so that she won't feel uncomfortable.)

Jimin smiled Widely at y/n welcoming her into the house. Y/n smiled at jimin greeting him making taehyung sigh in relief. Three of them went inside and y/n was met with the four..

Yoongi , hobi , jk and namjoon were in the hall when taehyung arrived with y/n..
Jimin gave a brief intro to everyone making y/n giggle at jimin's remarks for others. They all greeted her one by one in the most polite way.

Y/n too sighs in relief when she found out that none of them is an alpha and all of them were so sweet , she was indeed surrounded by a bunch of gentlemen who were so lively and happy personalities.  

Hobi found y/n cute like a baby , he even came and  squeezed her cheeks just like we do to a baby.

Taehyung was observing the girl and her face showed no sign of discomfort!!. 
He whispered near her ear asking " are u ok ? " And in return y/n just smiled at him giving a little nod.
Taehyung clutched at her cuteness before turning around his head towards Namjoon talking.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now