59. Strangers

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Y/n took Yeonjun to the nurse's office. While Hyung sik and woo shik ran behind the duo..

The nurse was treating Yeonjun who was dead silent. And here y/n was getting hyper. Her wolf wasn't ready to calm down.
The senior duo was noticing that how angry the girl was. But they didn't say anything. It wasn't the right time to do that.

Yeonjun was still like a dead body , not saying anything nor responding to anyone. Y/n tried talking to him but he didn't respond to her. Y/n was getting more pissed at that bastard. But she needed to think about yeonjun first he is more important right now.

Y/n checked her pockets to find her phn and fortunately she did find it. She knows if she couldn't talk to yeonjun then only one person can and it's his husband Min Jun.

She called Min Jun to come to the university urgently. The guy got scared at first but she told him that yeonjun is ok and he needs to come immediately. He reached the uni in no time and before he could see yeonjun, y/n explained everything to him. Min Jun was damn angry and ready to burn down the whole uni at once . But when Min Jun saw him , Yeonjun broke down into tears and hugged him.

Y/n , the nurse and both the seniors went out of the room leaving them alone. While they all were outside , y/n's hands began to shake . Her whole body went weak and she knew that her wolf was getting away. She couldn't hear the guys asking her if she was ok. Y/n ran to washroom throwing up badly. After almost 10 mins when she calmed down. Her eyes widened at the realisation of what she just did.

She got the replays of how she reacted and she falls down on her knees which were already weak.
It shook her completely inside.  She was crying like how can her wolf be like this , how can it get such a control over her but this thought was overlooked by yeonjun's thought. She ran out of the washroom crying. She went inside the medical room to see yeonjun sitting on the bed with min Jun.

After 2 hours what came out was Min Jun called his lawyer filling a case of harrassment against Dae-won. He wanted to sue the uni management too but when principal begged him not to and he didn't.

Min Jun directly took Yeonjun to Malta because his whole family was there for the next 2 weeks. Yeonjun and Min Jun didn't join them because yeonjun had the mid terms in 2 days.  But seeing his past scores and the sensitivity of the situation he was exempted from the mid terms.

All the professors were asked for the consent to exempt him. And ofcourse that alpha too.
Alpha smirked when he got know that Yeonjun was going for next 2 weeks. He sighs in relief that he doesn't have to take all the headache and spend his precious to kill yeonjun. Till he comes back , the Alpha would be done with y/n. He would be done displaying his beautiful doll in his house.

Seeing the couple off y/n came back to Taehyung's apartment. But she stood outside the door , her hands were not able to open the door of the house . She was distracted and disturbed. So she just left from there and went to the graveyard. it was 5 in the evening when she reaches the gaves of her angels.

Y/n sat down near her parents and began to babbling while crying.
" M..mumma dada w..what i..is happening w .with me , w..will i b..become a s.. scary creature. M..my wolf i..is scary d..dada . How d..did u Handel a..alpha wolf. D..did it dominate u l...like this.
W..will i s..start k..k.. killing people dada??...
A .am scared!!
I w..want your h..help. "

She kept asking questions knowing that they'll never answer them. After an hour y/n passed out on the grass near their graves because of the exaustion and tiredness.


13 years old y/n was called to Busan by her mysterious granny. No not Lee but the one who saved her from getting into the hands of the alphas.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now