71. Strengthening Love.

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Lying in the middle of the woods, Y/n's body bore the marks of a brutal encounter. Her clothes were torn, her skin marred by bleeding wounds on her knees and arms.

Whimpering in pain, she found herself surrounded by a pack of over ten alpha wolves. The air was thick with their low growls, an ominous symphony that painted a grim picture.

Taehyung awoke to an unexpected sight and instinctively dashed out of his room, urgently calling out for y/n. He hurriedly reached the hotel corridor, abruptly halting in realization. The open door of his room beckoned him to look back. With a mixture of emotions, he reentered and settled onto the couch, burying his face in his hands as he took several deep breaths to steady himself.

Surveying the room, he leaned back on the couch and retrieved his phone from the table.

His phone's screen displayed an overwhelming flood of notifications—150 in total, all from y/n. The notifications included over 80 missed calls and more than 70 messages. Opening the chat, he found a series of messages inundating the screen:

"Did you have your meal?"

"Please, don't skip meals because of me."

"I am sorry tae !"

"Can you please answer my calls?"

The words filled the chat, a testament to her concern and messages.

Reading the messages weighed heavily on Taehyung's emotions. He set the phone down, reclining on the couch as he gazed at the ceiling. Gradually, the realization dawned upon him that y/n bore no fault in this situation.

Her lack of experience in intimate relationships likely contributed to her inability to communicate her preferences or boundaries effectively. Her heightened reactions were likely a result of her inexperience rather than any intentional harm.

Rubbing his forehead, he let out a sigh of contemplation. Glancing at the time, he saw it was 8pm. With his departure scheduled for the following afternoon, he got up, slipped on his shirt, grabbed his wallet and phone, and left the room with his secretary John.

At a nearby mall, he purchased a collection of small gifts for y/n. Recognizing the importance of open communication between them, he hoped that these gestures would help bridge the gap between them.

Meanwhile, y/n was busy preparing cookie batter, intending to bake Taehyung's favorite cookies and craft strawberry clusters as a way to apologize and make amends.

Feeling a deep sense of sadness and overwhelming guilt, y/n couldn't shake off the feeling that her actions had led to the unfortunate situation they were in.

Uncertain about the time of Taehyung's return, y/n remained clueless about when he would be back home.

As the next morning arrived, y/n made the decision to skip university for the day since she had no precise information about Taehyung's return except that it was supposed to be today.

As the afternoon wore on without his arrival, her disappointment grew. Eventually, she sat down on the living room couch, hugging her knees tightly, as tears welled up in her eyes, overwhelmed by a sense of sadness.

After shedding tears for a while, y/n unknowingly drifted off to sleep.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now