Chapter 8

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Once the door closed we made our way to a more open part.

"I am sorry guys, I am so sorry." I quickly became a mess once we were at a good spot. If there was a griever we could run the other way and not be trapped in a corner. 

"Hey Cassie, it is okay." Thomas said.

"She-bean it really is okay." Minho also responded and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"No!" I yelled at them, pushing Minho's hand off of my shoulder. "It is not okay and you can tell me that. Don't sugar code it. I literally pulled you guys into a death trap. If I kept myself hidden than you would not have been distracted by me. You would not have explained the whole runners fiasco. You would have been back now with all the other Gladers."

"We are as much at mistake as you are." Minho told me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned my head towards Thomas.

"We should have known that it was almost time to go. We are the professionals here, you aren't."I didn't want to keep going on this subject. So we started to slowly move through the maze. It was silent, you could hear the vines moves up and down on the walls because of the wind.

Our footsteps were the only other thing else heard. Sometimes a screech was heard from a griever. We made our way deeper and deeper into the maze. I am not proud of it, but I was scared out of my mind.

And not only for myself.

Minho abruptly stopped in his tracks making me almost fall against him as I was walking behind the two.

He took a glance around the corner and whipped his head quickly back. His brown eyes connected with mine and Thomas'. I pushed Minho behind me and I glanced around the corner to see the griever.

100 yards. Just 100 yards was the most disgusting creature I have ever seen. Between the ivy walls with vines running down stood it tall and broad. A body of a bloated spider with metal legs.

It made a clicking sound and the metal clanked against the stone floor as it looked at their surroundings. 

It gave in a screech and I could see razor sharp teeth, even from this far away. The creature turned around and sprinted away. A long half flesh, half metallic tail followed.

I pushed myself against the walls, my back in the vines and took in a deep breath.

"Horrible creates, right?" Minho said in a hushed voice. I just nodded, the image of the creature not leaving my mind. "Rule number one of being a runner, never look back and always keep-"

"Run!" I yelled at the two boys as I saw a griever charging at us from behind them. I made a beeline around the corner, to the left, right, right, straight and again left. There was a part of the wall that was around 20 yards high with vines going from above all the way down towards my feet.

High ground would be a lot better than being on the ground. I looked around my surroundings. I grabbed one long vine and pulled hard on it. I hanged on it with my whole body to make sure it was strong enough. I must look like a fool. Dangling on a vine a feet of the ground.

I stood my ground again and started the climb. My limps were burning as I pulled myself up, planting my feet against the ivy walls. I walked the wall and after a few minutes I made it up.

I quickly grabbed my bottle of water and took a big gulp. I breathed out a sigh and sat against the walls. I sat in the middle of the platform and I could see through the maze. On my right was a corner, but on my left I could see maybe 200 yards until it is completely dark..

I put my head against the wall behind me and looked up at the dark sky. The stars were bright and the moon gave a slight glow over the maze. It was quite beautiful the stars, some shined brighter than the others. I think that I sat here for hours, just watching the sky. Distracting myself with the stars to keep my thoughts away from the boys who were probably running for their lives.

I could sit like this longer if it wasn't disturbed by a clicking sound.

I quickly stood up and pressed myself further against the wall. I grabbed a dagger from my vest and held it in front of me.

Around the right corner came a griever into my view. It metal scraped against the hard ground and it was growling. It walked towards my platform and disappeared from my view. I didn't want to look over the edge in case it will see me.

The clicking sound stopped and I held in my breath. My hands started to sweat, making the grip on my knife harder.

I heard a louder scraping noice and felt my platform move slightly. Another loud scraping noice was heard.

This is not happening, please.  I silently begged.

A metal arm came into my view, just at the edge of my platform. Another one also made its way onto the platform. I kept my knife up, but it started shaking. My eyes started to water at the sight I received.

A big head came into view. Eyes as dark as the sky, and if I looked closely I could see my shaking figure in its reflection. The creature growled at me and climbed up closer and closer to me.

It now stood a few feet away from me. Waiting for me to make a move. Does it like the hunt?

Behind the griever I saw its tail moving from left and right, until it came above its head. At the end of the tail was a long spike. Before I knew it the tail with the spike charged at me at high speed.

I held up my arm in front of my face and fell down on my knees in-defeat. I screamed on the top of my lungs until my voice was hoarse. My muscle tightened, waiting for the pain, but it never came.

A loud screech was heard and I looked through my arms at the creature. It shook at a high speed as if electrocuted. Without another taught I put my knife back into its holster and grabbed one of the vines I used to climb up with.

I slid my way down the platform and started to run. The griever was screeching behind me, but never followed me.

I turned around to look again but bumped into something hard.

"Minho, Thomas." Before I knew it, Minho grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him. Thomas following us suit.

I turned around and saw another griever charging at us.

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