Chapter 52

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"We are moving them today." I heard a voice say.

I saw a door a few feet away and I knew that is where I heard them. Before I could pass the door, I started to tie up my laces. At least fake it. The guards stopped, 2 keeping their backs to me. While the other two stood behind me.

"Yes they will go in 2 hours." Another voice said. "They are the subjects from all the groups, we even got a hand on some of group A."

My ears perked up at that. Minho.

I quickly tied my laces and we started to walk further towards my room. Once I was inside, I knew I couldn't stay here anymore. I need a plan.

Once I was inside my mind went to everything I could do. I obviously couldn't just walk out of my room as I literally have everything I needed here.

My eyes shifted towards my window. Already a plan forming inside my head.


I prepared for everything. My clothing was the same, but I grabbed a thicker blue jacket to keep me warm.

I grabbed the knives from my board and roamed under my bed to keep them around my body. I saw a holster that would be great for around my waist as a belt. It also had a holster for a gun, which I unfortunately don't have.

I also saw another holster for around my upper leg. It was an extra one I had and I quietly cheered to my old self for being smart.

I tied up everything and made sure it was all in place.

I went up to the window and pushed it open, wind flowing through my long hair. I will have to cut it at some point. I took one glance at my room to see my little art studio.

I walked back to grab black paint and secured it into my pocket. Part 2 of my plan is in commotion.

I walked back to the window and looked down to see people walking around. I had to do this quick, but safely.

I pulled myself up on the window and carefully placed my feet on the little ledge. I had enough room to let me move without any hand support.

I placed my hand agains the window, now totally secured on the ledge. I made a big mistake of looking down. My breathing hitched and I pulled myself more against the window.

I looked at my wrist to see the bracelet and I knew I had to do it for him. I had to survive for him.

I walked slowly to the side, seeing part of the building stretch out there. I could jump onto it and walk further down it.

Once I was close enough, I could see I was still pretty far up. But I had to do it. I lowered my body down and held the ledge with my hands. I dangled from it, but this way the jump would be less painfull.

I looked over my shoulder to see a lot more people walking around and train tracks were going inside the building I was dangling from now.

I released my sweaty hands and made impact with the roof. I fell down on my back and looked up at the tall building, but I quickly got up onto my feet.

I walked towards a point of the building I was on now and slowly made my way down it until I felt the sand under my sole of my shoes.

I saw a door going into the building and made a beeline towards it. I looked around before opening it. I saw no one but a gigantic train before my eyes.

People were getting on it. I saw some boxes and crates where I quickly hid behind when I saw a guard walking towards me.

His feet were getting louder and louder as I held my breath. The only thing I could do was sit still and wait. I couldn't take him down as there were a lot of guards walking around.

I had to do something quick. Part 3 of my plan came into commotion.

I grabbed one of my knife and held my long hair in a pony tail. I started to cut my hair, making it shorter like I did in the Maze. As my hair fell to the ground, I quickly moved it under the crates, to erase my tracks.

I pulled out the black paint and put some on my hands. I started at the bottom of my hair all the way to the top. Painting my hair another colour so no one would recognise me.

I moved slowly when I came to my scalp. I had to make sure there were no spots left blond and no random black spots on my forehead.

Once I thought it was good enough, I threw the pain away and started wiping my hands on the boxes. I saw a cloth hanging from one and with that I wiped the rest, cleaning my hands from the evidence.

You could still see it on my hands, but it was better.

I looked through the gaps of the boxes to see that they were loading in the kids. Each wearing a blue colour, the same as my jacket.

How is luck always on my side.

"What are you doing here?"

Spoke too soon.

I turned around to see a guard pointing their gun at me. I quickly stood up and held up my hands. My palms faced the other way, so the guard wouldn't see the black colour.

The guard quickly grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards the group of children getting into the train.

"We almost lost this one." He pushed me into the row of kids. I slightly made contact with some, but I kept my head down.

I started to move with the kids inside the train. I had to get to the same place as Minho and the others even if they will end up killing me right when I arrive.

I took a seat into the train somewhere in the middle of our cart. A guard came up and tied my wrist together. His eyes moved to my face, looking me in question.

"Dirt." I simply spoke which made him nod and move to the next person.

Eventually the guards made their way out of the train and I felt it starting to move.

I took this as my chance to really look around the cart to see everyone. I looked back to see almost every kid in there having their heads down in sorrow. I looked forward to see no other than Liz and Aris sitting next to each other.

"Liz." I spoke up quietly. She made no move. "Elizabeth."

This made her turn around and her eyes connected with mine. She looked confused until recognition came over her face.

"Cassie." She said shocked. 

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