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Dear Cassie,

This will be the first letter I have ever written or at least the first one I remember. But this will be the first and if you are reading this, this will be my last. First, I want you to know that I wasn't afraid to die. The only thing I was afraid of was leaving you alone in this world. At least you will have the other boys hopefully with you and I made sure to tell them to take care of you.

I laughed at the thought of Newt pulling all the boys together to look after me, but tears still filled my eyes.

I also didn't want to lose myself to the virus. Every time at night when you were in my arms, I will go back to all the memories I had. The names of everyone in the Maze. But my mind quickly went to you.

I remember when you put me down in the box on your very first day here. I ran after you and when I stepped under your tree, I instantly knew you were in there. Not only because of the blood on the wall, but your white shirt wasn't a good camouflage colour.

When I talked to you, your voice was so calming. It was smooth and I already got a warm feeling listening to it. I remember our first conversation where you thought I was a serial killer. And when I saw you sitting up there your nickname just came into my mind. You weren't wrong though. If anyone hurt you, I would turn into one and hunt them down.

I was so glad that Alby appointed me to guide you around. Maybe you didn't know that, but he said that to me. I always had a feeling that he knew. That he knew that I would fall head over heels for you.

He wasn't wrong. I know that I already found myself falling for you when you took me down – again – in the ring. But the moment I knew I was in love with you was probably the moment you ran away with Freddy.

I think you won over everyone's heart in the Maze because of that action. We all saw you as a strong girl, a warrior, a killer. But then we saw just a girl, having a soft spot for the little guy. Well, I got a soft spot for the girl of my dreams.

Over the period I got to know you more and more. I know that you hate your long hair and would cut it any moment when it gets too long. Or that you get goosebumps at any physical touch.

I love you more than life itself. The only request I have for you is to live your life. I will always watch you from above.

My dear Killer.

You are my world, my light in the darkness. You showed me that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Love, Newt.

Tears were falling from my eyes. The salty flavour was on my tongue.

We lost a lot of people in a span of just a few years. Alby, Chuck, Winston and Teresa.

I decided to forgive the girl in my mind as I didn't have the chance to do it in person.

Minho told me that the building went down below her. If they were a little bit faster, they could have saved her.

She made bad decisions in her life like every single person does. But she was a child. She got influenced by WCKD and you could make a child believe in everything if you try as hard as them. But in the end, she made sure she was on the right side.

I heard the door open behind me and I grabbed a throwing knife off from the desk and threw it against the door frame. Just next to their head.

"What the fuck." I turned around and walked up toward the person with tears still rolling from my eyes.

"Was this a letter for closure!" I yelled at them. "It wouldn't have helped."

"I am sorry, love."

I fell into his arms and cried my eyes out. Repeating the night all over again inside my head.

I pulled back and kissed him on the lips when I stopped crying against his chest.

"I still love you though." I said against his lips.

"I know you do." Newt said and pulled back to look into my eyes. "As do I"

"Unfortunately, the letter isn't 100% true." Newt said to me, making me look at him in confusion.

"That wasn't the first letter I wrote." I tiled my head at him. "The first one I wrote was also to you, back in WCKD when I was really young."

"What do you mean?"

"I wrote a letter to you, which said that I liked you, but you never knew it was me."

I smiled at the letter I got back at WCKD. I always thought it was from Minho as I didn't know that Newt liked me. I always thought he hated me.

The day in the city I was sat near Newt' lifeless body for hours, hoping he wasn't dead. My head was on his chest, soaking his shirt with tears. After hours laying like that, I finally heard a heartbeat. A beat of hope.

The syringe was  powerful enough to fight off the virus within. And I have never been happier because of it. 

When we finally got back to safety, we found out that Thomas snatched the memory cure.

We got everyone's memories back and also Newt's. He never told me this and I had a feeling that he was waiting for the right time.

As I looked into his brown eyes just one thought went through my mind.

There is nothing more beautiful than his smile in the dusk of dawn. His messy hair tickling my cheeks when I arise for the day. He is my light and I would never let him go.



We made it! I am so happy with this fanfiction that I wrote and I really hope that everyone liked it as much as I do. Please comment below here on what you thought. Follow my account on Wattpad because I will begin to write an original novel!

Thank you again everyone :)

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