Chapter One

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Anamika's pov :

The sound of my brother's annoying voice woke me up from my beautiful sleep. I opened my eyes groggily and there he stood my nuisance of a brother "Veer Singh".

Don't get me wrong I love my brother and my family to death but no one can get away with ruining my beauty sleep.

So there I was a 17-year-old chasing my 22-year-old brother down the staircase.

I hit him with everything I found harmless like pillows, clothes, etc.

We reached the bottom of the staircase and there were our parents sitting at the dining table tuning out our daily fights. I went over to greet them with a kiss.

" Good Morning Maa," I said. My mom rubbed her hand warmly in my hair and said " Good Morning Sleepyhead ". I rolled my eyes at that and went over to Dad. " Good Morning Papa," I said kissing him. Dad put down his newspaper and said " Good Morning Sweetheart " while kissing me on my forehead.

I sat down after giving my brother the death stare who was busy laughing at my annoyance.

My mom gave me a plate of poha to eat for my breakfast. I looked at her with puppy eyes. She rolled her eyes and said " First eat some real food then only you will get your coffee. " " But maa I cannot survive without my coffee and you know I can't eat this much in the morning," I said. " Sweetheart eat at least half of it and then I will make you your special coffee," said Dad. I happily started eating. Mom and Bhai rolled their eyes. Mom said "You have only spoiled her" " Papa why do you pamper her so much" said Bhai. I said " Stop being so jealous of me people." and Papa laughed at that. We had some fun banter on this. This is what I love about my family. My parents are both working but they always take out time for us. My dad " Mr. Aditya Singh" is a well-to-do businessman and my brother also started working with him after graduating from college. My mom "Mrs.Vedika Singh" is a lawyer in a reputed firm.

I am the baby of this family. I am in the last year of my junior college and have to decide on my career. I have two options either do business and follow my dad or do law and follow mom. But honestly, I don't wanna do either. I wanna do something different and on my own. I want to study fashion but well let's see how my parents will react when I finally get the courage to tell them.

While I was lost in my dreams, Bhai called my name. I looked at him and saw that everyone was looking at me with seriousness. Oh no!! Here comes the questions.

Papa looked at me and asked, " Annie, at what time did you sleep last night ?"

" Oh you know the usual " I replied.

" Our usual or your usual? " Maa asked.

They looked at me sternly and Bhai said " Annie tell us the correct time."

" Ugh fine! I slept at 3 last night" I replied. Everyone looked at me with seriousness and Mom was about to say something but I said " Calm down guys this is normal for me and am okay don't worry."

They were about to argue but the bell rang repeatedly. " Saved by the bell, " I thought. " Here comes your gang," said Bhai rolling his eyes. I ran to open the door while saying " Can we drop this for now " " Fine but we will talk about it later" they signed.

I happily opened the door for my idiots.

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