Chapter Twenty Seven

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Anamika's pov :

I hugged my family and sat down with them. "We missed you so much Annie" said Maa. " How was the trip?" asked Papa. " Did you have fun?" asked Bhai.

I smiled at Maa and said, " I missed you too". I looked at Papa and Bhai and answered them " The trip was amazing and we had a lot of fun". They smiled at that. " What did you guys do?" asked Maa. " We visited the forts, went to the beaches, tried the street food, went shopping at the market, experienced water sports and had loads of fun at the villa too" I recounted all the fun memories. " Great! It looks like it was a very refreshing weekend for you," said Papa. " Yeah, it was just what we needed before the finals," I said. " Talking about the finals, how is the preparation going?" asked Papa. " Yeah it's going great, we are going to have group study sessions from tomorrow " I replied.

" And what about your future plans?" asked Maa cautiously. I grew nervous and made eye contact with Bhai, who gave me a reassuring look and urged me to tell them. I took a deep breath and said " Maa - Papa, there is something I have been meaning to tell you for a long time but didn't have to courage". Mama and Papa looked at me confused.

" Tell us beta, what do you wanna talk about?" asked Maa comfortingly. I looked at them nervously and said

" I don't wanna be a businesswoman or a lawyer, that's not me". " What do you wanna be then?" asked Papa.

" I want to be a fashion designer " I declared. Maa - Papa looked very shocked at that. " Fashion designer? Since when?" asked Maa. " Since she was a kid Maa" revealed Bhai. " You knew about it?" asked Papa. Bhai nodded yes.

" Why didn't you or Veer ever tell us?" asked Maa. " Did you think we wouldn't understand?" asked Papa. " I was not sure of your reaction," I said quietly.

" She wasn't sure if you would agree since all we ever talked about was pursuing either business or law," Bhai said. " We never meant to make you feel that way sweetheart " said Maa.

" Yeah, you have all our support to become whatever you want, we just want you to be happy," said Papa.

" If you wanna be a fashion designer then you will be a fashion designer" declared Maa. "Of course, let's apply for fashion schools right now," said Papa.

" I told you Annie, just talk to them and they will understand," said Bhai. I nodded and hugged my family. I thanked Bhai for giving me the courage to talk to my parents and my parents for understanding and supporting my dreams. I spent the evening applying to different fashion schools with Papa's help. " Come on now Annie, go and take some rest. You have been working since you came home" said Maa. I nodded and went up to sleep. I slept thinking about how lucky I am to have such understanding parents and such supporting Bhai.

The next day, I met my friends at the cafe for a study session and told them the good news. " Yayy!! Finally" exclaimed Ishita. " Congratulations Annie, you finally told them," said Sara. " Now you will be a fashion designer," said Aditi.

" Finally you got the courage," said Rohan. I thanked them and we began our study session.

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