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Love works in mysterious ways. At least that's what I have gathered. 

I like to think of it as some sort of disease. At any given point, it can invade your body and completely destroy you from the inside, out. You are it's hosts and it feeds upon your very flesh, trying to consume your entire being. Now that is a bit dark, but honestly it's about the best I could come up with. 

I am speaking in honest terms when I say I whole heartedly did not intend to fall in love; ever. I never knew that I would be capable of such a strong emotion, especially for the bloke that somehow managed to capture my heart. That's another thing. Never did I think I would hold such a strong emotion for another man. It was simply not in my nature. Or so I thought. 

But above all, you couldn't have paid me one million galleons to make me believe that I would ever in one thousand years fall in love with Harry Potter. Like I said, love works in mysterious ways. But, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. 

Our story is tragic, but perfect; angry, but joyful; gruesome, but lovely;

Tainted, but beautiful. 

There you have it!  

Welcome to the blossoming story of Tainted Love! All you Drarry lovers are hopefully in for a bit of a treat. This is just a sneak peek at the story, but I am hoping to get the first chapter up later today or tomorrow. This is the first Drarry story that I have ever written so bare with me! Have a good one fellow Potter Heads! 


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