Chapter Twenty Two

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So NEWTs were in exactly one week. And I was going absolutely bonkers. 

If there was one image that I have seemed to retain in all of my years at Hogwarts, it would be that of a very studious bloke I might say. In fact, I'm quite sure that Hermione and I are currently the top ranking male and female in our year. And because of my undying desire to succeed in absolutely everything I do, I was trying to study my arse off for this test. My score could potentially determine what I did with the rest of my life. There was no room for failure. Failing would mean I could flunk out of my year, I wouldn't find a good apprenticeship, and I would be working at Honeydukes for the rest of my life. And that was simply unacceptable. 

Now when I say I was trying to study my arse off, I really do mean trying. There was just one little tiny thing getting in my way of preparing for the exam. Well, more like a bulky, shaggy haired, perpetually clingy thing. 

And that thing was Harry Potter. 

Now, my dear boyfriend was the exact opposite of myself. Harry believed in passing his classes, and passing his classes only. No better, no worse. So obviously, he was not quite as concerned with this exam as I was. And because of this, he seemed to get quite...ansty because of my studying habits. 

Harry is the type of person that is used to constant attention, and when he does not have said attention, the boy will try to cling to you like a leech. Last week, I was in my bedroom studying Herbology when I heard an incessant knocking on the door. 

"DRACO I'm bored!" Harry screeched through the door, continuing his unfathomably annoying pounding. 

"Potter, I'm preparing for an exam as YOU should be as well, and I will NOT tolerate any interruptions." 

"But you're supposed to spend time with me, that's what boyfriends are for." 

"Oh please, you can last three hours without me, you do it all the time during classes." 

"But this isn't classes, it's the end of the day and I just wanna see you, yah ninny!" 

"Harry you better shush your mouth before I hex you into next week." 

"You wouldn't dare." 

"Try me." 

That wasn't even the worst of it. He's even started bothering me in classes as well. Just yesterday when I was trying to take down notes during one of the Potions review sessions, the clingy fuck started bombarding me with little paper balls with notes written on them. 

I was scribbling down the recipe for Amortentia when a small ball of paper landed on top of my parchment. 

"I will not be ignored Malfoy. -H" the note read. I rolled my eyes, ignoring the note for the time being and continued writing my notes. Or at least I tried to keep writing when yet another paper ball landed on top of my parchment. 

"You know I won't stop this until you give me attention." 

"I don't even care if I'm being clingy I love you and miss you." 



I finally gave up and turned around to look at him. He had this little smirk on his face, and all he did was blow a kiss and wave before he turned back to his books. That little SHIT. 

It was honestly becoming quite the problem. Even other people in Hogwarts were becoming annoyed with my twatish boyfriend. Like right about now. Harry was once again whining incessantly in my ear in the library as I tried to work, and I swear twenty people must have left because of his antics. 

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