Chapter Twenty Four

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Now the the NEWT's were over, the end of the year excitement began to brew in everyone. Classes were essentially over, although we still had to go in and "listen" to lectures. I'm a stellar student and even I have to admit that I barely paid attention in class during those final days. Us seventh and eighth years were especially jittery considering this was really the end for us. No more lessons after this week. No more dorms or Great Hall or quidditch matches. No more Hogwarts.

People reacted very differently to the final days. Some, like Pansy were off their rockers excited. She couldn't wait to get out of this "bloody dungeon school" as she called it. Others of us were neutral, like myself. I did have many great times here and I was sad to leave of course, but I was also excited for the what lay ahead in my life.

And others were downright depressed. The Golden Trio, especially my boyfriend, were of this category. For Harry at least, this was his Kingdom. I have yet to grill him about his past all that much, but I know it was less than ideal. This was the first place that made him "feel like he mattered and that he had a purpose" as he told me one day. It was hard for him, as well as Ron and Hermione, to let go.

Harry and I were pondering this ending of our Hogwarts schooling as we sat atop the observation tower one evening, trying to catch a glimpse of the stars as they danced through the night sky. We sat in the center of the tower, Harry's back pressed against my front and my arms wrapped around his center.

"You know, I'm really going to miss this view," Harry said quietly.

"Me as well. It's one of the most gorgeous parts of being here at Hogwarts." Things were quiet for a moment before I heard a soft sniffle. And then another. And another. I looked down and suddenly noticed that there were tears flowing freely down Harry's face. My heart broke for him. He truly loved this place with his whole heart. 

"Oh baby, don't cry! I promise you we will come back and visit whenever you want," I reassured him, burying my face in his neck and rocking him side to side.

"I-I-I know D, but th-that doesn't make it any easier," he whispered between his tiny sobs. I decided not to say anything and continued to hold him until his cries calmed down. 

"Harry...have you ever thought about coming back to Hogwarts? You know considering you love it here so much?" Harry turned around in my arms so we were face to face and looked at me skeptically. 

"What do you mean?" he asked. 

"You know, like as a teacher or a school head or something of the sort. I'm sure they would hire you in a heartbeat. And now that you aren't taking the auror position, you are going to need to find a job. Maybe you should consider looking here." He was silent for a moment, a look of deep thought clear on his face, before he spoke again. 

"You know...that's not a bad idea. Godric's Hollow is a bit of a hike from here, but I could probably work something out. And I bet they would pay pretty well, at least enough to cover major living expenses....Maybe I should talk to McGonogal...." 

"Well I think it would be a splendid idea." He smiled at me and kissed me on the nose. 

"You know Harry...that reminds me of something else that I had been meaning to talk to you about...." 

Now I know Harry and I had decided some time ago that we move into Godric's Hollow once we finished up at Hogwarts. But the place just seemed so...sleepy. And a bit old. And I couldn't imagine that Harry was jumping at the idea of moving back to the place where both of his parents were killed. So me, the clever one always planning ahead, put a penthouse on hold with a landlord in London for Harry and I. That way, he could have a bit of his precious muggle life back, and we'd still be rather close to Diagon Alley. 

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