Chapter Ten

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Nothing much exciting happened the rest of the week. Classe went smoothly, people continued to ignore me, me and Pansy kept sharing meals with our new Gryffindor friends. 

Friends. I never thought I would use that word in a sentence that involved Gryffindors. 

Friday could not come around soon enough. You could tell I was not the only one anxious for this day, however. Potter always beamed at me when I walked by, or casually nudged my shoulder, or winked. What in Merlin's name made that boy decide to put the both of us through a week of hellish waiting? Why couldn't he have just said "let's do something this evening?" or "maybe something tomorrow?" Nonetheless, I could guarantee that whatever he had up his sleeve would be worth the wait. 

When I was released from my final class of the day on Friday, I ran towards my room as fast as I possibly could. I needed to make sure I had as much time as possible to primp myself for this date. 

A mans gotta look good. 

I took a shower and scrubbed myself clean of the days grime. After stepping out of the shower, I decided to go for a slightly more casual look, which took me about an hour to plan; a pair of black fitted trousers and a dark grey dress shirt, untucked and unbuttoned. I left my hair un-gelled and relaxed, brushing it off to the side like Harry likes. Of course I messed with it for another hour before I had it looking naturally effortless. By the the time I had finished my preparations, it was almost time to meet him. 

As I was leaving my room, I inevitably bumped into Pansy on my way down the stairs. 

"Have fun seducing Potter," she said with a smirk. 

"A date is drastically different than pure seduction, dear Pansy....but I'll do my best." We both chuckled and she gave me a small side hug before scampering away. I rolled my eyes. She may be annoying, but I don't know what I would do without Pansy. 

Finally, I was able to leave the dorm. My heart beat faster and faster with every step I took towards the lake out in the middle of the Hogwarts grounds. It was finally happening. Yes, there may have been some minor complications, but I was finally getting my dream date with my dream boy after years of waiting. I don't care how lovesick I sound, this was the greatest moment of my emotional life thus far. 

Upon reaching the lake, my jaw dropped. 

Now Potter on his own is gorgeous. But when the heathen decides to clean up a bit, he's practically the human incarnation of magic. His usual mop of hair was gelled back into a sort of quiff. He as well wore black fitted trousers, but his were more distressed and ripped a bit on both of the knee caps. His shirt was a simple white t-shirt that perfectly hugged his athletic frame. But of course, his dorky glasses still sat perched upon his nose. 

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies," he sassed, even though I saw a small blush creeping up his cheeks. I shook my head in embarrassment and moved to sit down next to him. 

"Oh shush, you vain little prat." 

"You know you love it." 

"....maybe a little bit." And he laughed. Next to him sat a small wicker basket which he reached for and placed in between the two of us. 

"So whats on the menu today, oh Golden Savior?" 

"Pumpkin juice, treacle tarts, chocolate covered strawberries, some knickerbocker glory, no melt ice cream, and meringues," he said with a smile. 

"You mean you did't pack any actual dinner?!" I exclaimed, appalled. 

"Oh come on, Draco! Who doesn't want to eat deserts on a date?" 

"Someone who's barely eaten any food all day!" 

"Well you'll just have to eat extra strawberries. They're the healthiest." I rolled my eyes and punched him in the shoulder. He just laughed and began digging into the knickerbocker glory whilst draping his legs over top of my own. I don't think I will every get used to this "touchy" side of Potter (and don't you dare take that the wrong way. This is a date not a brothel). 

We talked all though our "meal", about nothing and about everything, and about anything in between. It was wonderful really. As good looking as Potter was, he was also a fabulous conversationalist. I genuinely loved spending time with the boy. 

"Ok, where do you see yourself in ten years?" he asked with a mouth full of treacle tart. 

"Well," I began, swallowing  the last of a chocolate covered strawberry, "that's tough. I don't know...everything changed after the war. My future used to be so clear cut, but I'm not so sure anymore..." He smiled sympathetically and grabbed my hand, playing with my fingers. Still gives me chicken skin every time. 

"I honestly wouldn't mind being a healer though." I said thoughtfully. It had only crossed my mind a couple of times recently, but healing people was always one of my dream professions as a child. And contrary to what my demeanor may suggest, I truly enjoy helping others. 

"I could see it." Harry said after a moment. 


"Mmh. You're softer and more caring than you think. And you're a potions whiz. It's not a bad idea Draco". I blushed and looked down at the ground as he continued to massage my hand. 

"What about you, Harry?" I asked. 

"Like you, my future became a little cloudy after the war. I always thought I would be an Auror, but I've already been through enough danger to last me three lifetimes. Now I kind of want to come back to Hogwarts and teach DADA". 

"God knows this school could use a trustworthy DADA teacher". We both laughed, and then Harry rolled back onto the grass, inevitably dragging me with him since he still had a tight grip on my hand. We both lay together, his head resting on my shoulder, watching the night sky. It was wonderful really. I haven't felt this relaxed or...cared for in such long time. It was truly refreshing. 

"Thank you, Harry," I whispered quietly. 

"For what?" 

"For this date. And for saving me." He picked his head up and balanced on and elbow, looking at me curiously. I stayed on the ground. 

"Saving you?" 

"Yeah. You pulled me out of...whatever you want to call that dark place I was in. I mean sure, I haven't fully recovered yet. But I haven't, you know, inflicted any pain on myself all week. Which for me is pretty impressive. I wouldn't be anywhere near as happy as I am now without you. Not to make your head inflate any more than it already has, but you make me feel...loved. And that's not something I have had the luxury of experiencing all that much in my life". Talk about pouring your heart out to someone. But never the less, he beamed down at me with those big green eyes and perfectly white teeth. 

"Someone as beautiful as you deserves to feel loved,". he whispered. And my face burned up faster than that fiendfyre had in the Room of Requirement during sixth year. I turned my head away to hide my massive blush but his free hand caught my cheek, forcing me too look up at him. In that moment, time stopped. All traces of playfulness had drifted away, and a lustful, loving gaze made it's way to Harry's eyes. His head slowly lowered down to meet mind. And my slowly, I mean painstakingly slow. Finally, I decided I had had enough of waiting and crashed my lips onto his. 

And never have I felt as alive as I did when I was kissing Harry Potter. 

I'M BACK! And I brought a present

First of all, I would like to say I am so sorry for leaving for such a long time. After my Christmas vacation, my life started getting really crazy and I had no time to write. But I hope you enjoyed this little addition to the story! I know it's really fluffy, but let's be honest, who does't like fluff. Hope you enjoyed it and see you next time! 


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