Chapter Eleven

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I felt like I was floating on a cloud. 

Who knew Harry Potter's mouth could be so...captivating? We laid there on the grass kissing for what felt like an eternity. But neither one of us seemed to have any problem with that. There was nothing too sexual or scandalous about it. Just tenderly moving our mouths in sync, enjoying the feeling of being so close together. 

Like I said, I'm not to sure how long we kissed for, but Harry was the first one to pull away, completely breathless, might I add. 

"Tha-that was...that was-"

"Amazing?" I whispered. 

"Well I was going to go with wonderful but sure amazing just about sums it up." Never leaves the sass behind, even for a second. We both chuckled and rolled onto our backs once more. But this time, Harry's arm was draped over my stomach as I cradled his body against my torso and tangled our legs together. Perfect was not even close to describing the moment. 

"Hey Draco?" Harry asked after a moment of comfortable silence. 

"Yes, love?" He visibly shivered and buried his head into my chest. Ten points to Draco Malfoy. 

"Uh-hm. You don't think we're moving too fast do you?" To this, I furrowed my brows. 

"Too fast? Harry we've only just kissed for the first time. I wouldn't say that's all that fast." 

"No, no that's fine, I don't mind that at all trust me," he assured. "But what I mean used to hate me for so long, and I never particularly liked you. And now we're just boom, in this...whatever you want to call it.  I guess what I'm trying to say are sure that you like me right? Like you're not just pretending and secretly suppressing your undying hatred for me are you?" 

"Harry are you mad?! Of course I like you. Don't think for a second that I don't. I wouldn't be sitting here with you-, no cuddling with you if I wasn't sure that I had feelings for you. And besides. I never did say that I hated you before". 

"Well you never exactly said you liked me either". 

"That's because I was a snobby git and we both know that." We both laughed. 

"I mean if anyone should be insecure about any of this, it should be me," I inquired. 

"What? Why?" 

"I mean you're the Golden Boy. The Boy Who Lived, The Boy Who Saved the Entire Wizarding World. And I'm just some highly disliked ex-death eaters son with a house arrested mother, a dead Dark Lord sympathizer for a father and a low self esteem. I'm nothing compared to you". And then he sat up. 

"Don't you dare think for a second that you are anything less than me. Half of those accomplishments were of pure luck on my part, and major help from my friends, and teachers, and everyone else. You are so special, Draco, and I am going to make sure that one day, you realize that. And that is a promise". I smiled. He really could make me feel better with his words alone. I leaned up and softly pecked his lips. But a peck didn't seem to be enough for him, considering he then latched his mouth back onto mine and continued to kiss me for yet another eternity. 

I would probably die making out with Harry Potter. And frankly I didn't mind that at all. 


Now I was not even remotely surprised when Pansy practically attacked me after arriving back at the dorms. Potter and I had languidly strolled home, hand in hand, exchanging a few words here and there. He had just bid me goodnight with a small peck on the cheek before walking up the stairs towards his room. Pansy apparently had seen this little exchange and was now demanding to know everything, and I mean everything, about our evening. 

"Draco, I'm not even kidding. I will hex you into next week if you do not give me every juicy detail of your little escapade with this Gryffindork". 

"First of all, the only person allowed to call him a Gryffindork is me. Secondly...I mean it would be wrong to say it was anything less than amazing." Pansy squealed. 

"Draco I'm so happy for you!" she exclaimed throwing her arms around my shoulders. "Soooo, did you kiss?" she asked excitedly. 

"...maybe a couple of times..." and she squealed, yet again. "Well you don't have to inform the entire dorm!" I scolded running to slap my hand over her mouth. Pansy had a difficult time controlling her excitement as well as her deafeningly loud voice. 

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry. Now come on give me more details!" So we sat down on the couch and I, yet again, spilled my guts out to her. I told her everything, from the sugar-loaded meal, to the watching the night sky, to the compliments, to the make-out sessions (which I didn't go into extensive detail of). By the end of it, the girl practically had tears in her eyes. 

"Ok, I am completely and 100% jealous. Merlin, if I had known Potter was this charming, I'd had gone after him years ago." Pansy joked. 

"Well sadly for you, you aren't quite his type. I on the other hand happen to bat for his team, if you know what I mean." We both chuckled.   

"Now I have a question," Pansy began, "are you boys going to keep this little thing a secret? I mean is Potter even out of the closet yet?" Well I had never really thought about that. 

"I'm honestly not to sure," I replied. "I mean, we haven't exactly hidden our feelings for each other around campus. I don't know if we'll come out right away. Maybe in a couple of weeks or so, when things get a little more serious." 

"So you plan on becoming more serious then hmmm?" she said with a smirk. 

"Well obviously. I mean come on Pansy I've been drooling over that prat for Merlin knows how long and I've finally got him right where I want him. Of course I'll take advantage of the fact that he is in fact, also homosexual." 

"You have a good point. Well I'm happy for you Draco. He's exactly what you need right now. I'd love to stay and chat but I'm knackered and I bet you are too. Have lovely, Potter filled dreams," she teased giving me and small hug and scampering up the stairs. 

"I won't even lie. I probably will," I called after her. 

Oh those dreams were certainly filled with Potter. Along with many of my dreams to come. 

IMPORTANT: I just watched The Great Gatsby and totally pictured Draco and Harry as Nick and Gatsby the whole time I was writing this. Anyway, 

Whats goin on friends? 

WE GOT TO 1000 READS! That's so so fab thank you all so much! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it is a little shorter and less exciting. But don't worry, there is much more in store for Harry and Draco in the near to distant future. Keep  commenting and voting away! It's greatly appreciated. Ta ta fellow Drarry shippers. 


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