Chapter Seven

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BIG trigger warning at the end of this chapter. Love you all. 


Well Monday soon rolled around, and to say I was antsy would be a massive understatement. 

I was shaking practically the entire day. I had barely slept the night before, and I probably looked like an absolute wreck, but the nerves simply would not stop. Don't even get me started about what happened whenever I saw Potter. I guarantee my face was the color of a fire phoenix and I was probably sweating like a hog. What a GREAT was to make a good impression of myself. Way to be cool, Draco, way to be cool. 

It was the last twenty or so minutes of Potions class that really put me on the edge. He was sat right behind me, and I did try my best to ignore him. That is until he pulled a little stunt, as per usual. I had been taking notes when a small paper crane landed on my desk. I was confused at first, but nonetheless opened it up to see who had possibly disturbed my furious note taking. 

"Hope we're still on for this afternoon ;) ~H" was scrawled on the inside in Harry's nearly illegible handwriting. My face turned red and I could not help the tiny smile that made it's was to my face. Hoping the new potions teacher wouldn't see, I scrawled a tiny "Of course :P ~D" on the back and spelled it back to Harry. Moments later I heard him chuckle and I knew my message had been received. If anyone thought that I would be paying attention for the rest of the class, they were dead wrong. 

After what seemed like eons, Potions finally ended and the rest of the students began to pack up their things. I slowly pushed my notes into my messenger bag and turned around. Harry was perched on top of his desk, an adorable smirk adorning his mouth. Let's be honest, everything about Harry Potter was adorable. But you didn't hear it from me....

"So where should we get this studying on, teach?" He asked cheekily. 

"Why not the common room? There's a pretty open space there" I inquired. 

"True...but it will be bustling with people around this time. How about one of the private studies in the library?" 

"Oh that would be much more convenient, and easier to concentrate". 

'I doubt that' Harry whispered quietly, probably not intending for me to hear. I pretended not too, and proceeded to pack the rest of my things and head out of the room, Harry hot on my heels. 

The walk to the library was nothing special, just a bit of small talk here and there. Soon we were in the study, various materials and notes laid out on the table. I had made sure to bring a small cauldron to do some practice with, and some protective gear, given that this was Potter I was dealing with. 

"So what should we start with?" he asked, digging his notes out of his bag. 

"How about some Hiccoughing Solution? It's nothing too complicated, but it's a good start". 

"I've never been quite good with that one, so sounds good to me."

"Oh please Potter, you've never been that good at any of them" I teased, nudging his shoulder slightly. 

"And that's why I have you to help me" he giggled whilst poking my nose. I couldn't help the shivery feeling that burst through me as his finger made contact with my skin. I tried not to make it noticeable, but I doubt that worked. 

"Well anyway, let's get started shall we?" He nodded eagerly and we got to work. 

Despite my raging hormones, we were actually able to get quite a lot done. I helped Harry with his techniques for the Hiccoughing Solution, and we went over a few other notes with some other more advanced potions that we were working on in class. After about two hours, we both decided a break was needed. Harry being the heathen he is had snuck Treacle Tarts out of the Great Hall for us to snack on, along with some Pumpkin Juice. 

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