Chapter Twenty One

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For once, the fates seemed to be on my side. 

It had been about two weeks since the trial and so far nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing  has gone wrong. NOTHING. I don't think I have ever gone this long without having something stress me out. There was always one bad thing lurking around the corner just waiting for the perfect moment to spring itself upon me, but so far that has not happened. 

"Draco, you seem to be doing much better. Especially in these last couple of weeks," said Simon, who was sitting across from me in the common room. 

"Everything is finally going my way, that's why," I replied excitedly. 

"Oh yes, Minerva told me that the trial was a success. I'm so happy for you Draco!" 

"Thank you so much. It's just such a relief to not have any problems to worry about now. I feel...light." 

"And after all that you've been through, son? You deserve to feel that way." 

We had gotten to a point where Simon didn't even need to take out his notebook anymore. It was really more like a casual conversation, or two friends catching up rather than a therapy session. 

"Now I know I probably don't need to ask this, but you haven't had any...urges now have you, Draco?"

"Not even a hint of an urge. I promise you that that is in the past now. There are so many better things to do with my life than harm myself. I could go outside, I could make out with my boyfriend, I could bake a cake, I could make out with my boyfriend, the possibilities are endless!" 

"I'm so glad that you finally recognize this Draco, this is exactly what I want to be hearing from you. And speaking of boyfriends, how is Harry treating you?" 

"Like a prince honestly. He's always there for me whenever I need him to be, and he's so chivalrous, and complimentary, and just knowing that someone cares about me like that makes me feel so much better about myself than I ever have. He's changed me for the better. When I saw his heartbroken face the first time he learned out about my...habit? It tore me up. He was the one who finally gave me a reason to stop. And I told you about how he turned down the auror position. Even though I wasn't going to push him in any direction, I'm so glad he did because now I don't have to worry about losing him. He just makes me happy. Being around him is like being at a carnival; endless amounts of joy." 

"Draco I only have one thing to say to you. Never, and I mean never let that boy go. You need him, and from what I have seen, he needs you too. What you have is rare, something that many people never find. So hold onto it as tight as you possibly can." We both smiled at each other and I thanked him for his kind words. 

"Well Draco, I think you're finally 100% in the clear. I don't think we need to make these meetings quite as often anymore. We could go down to once a month if you want? Or stop them entirely. Whatever works for you." 

"I definitely do not want to completely stop them. I think being able to talk about my life has really helped me in a lot of ways. But once a month sounds great to me." 

"Wonderful. I'll be in touch with you to plan the next meeting." We both stood up from our chairs and gave each other a brief hug. As I said, we had gotten quite close. "I'm so happy for you, Draco," he said whilst patting my back. 

"Thank you, Simon. I couldn't have done it without you." He smiled and then walked across the room, and out the common room door. It really was nice to just have someone to talk to. Simon was a great friend. 

Since our meeting was over, I figured now would be a good time to do some NEWT's review. I couldn't believe that the end of the year was upon us; less than three weeks away. I didn't quite know what I was going to do with myself after that, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. 

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